Hello, and welcome to Lil Miss Epic! Sorry I haven't posted in about 21 days, but I would've posted yesterday but hey, I was actually vlogging my school day with Dawson for Gunmen's Girl and our 15 month anniversary. We would've vlogged at the mall too, but hey we were too concentrated on buying presents and crap like that. Besides, we wouldn't want anybody to see what we gave before Christmas! This post is basically going to be a little bit of a catch-up post.

As many of you may already know, I went to Salt Lake City to tour with the Rigby Choirs, specifically Troylairs, but I sang with Women's Chorus also because Mr. Burrows wanted us to sing on their songs. I don't know why, though... They sounded just fine without us. Anyways, but the whole trip was pretty darn fun, seeing as how I got to hang with Dawson most of the time, and stuff. The downside is that part of Women's Chorus was singing on Troylairs songs, but they didn't even have our sheet music, so why would they even be trying to sing our songs? It was honestly ridiculous. During "The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy," one girl in our choir was going sharp and flat, and we were so worried about who it was, and worried that it might be one of us, to realize that it was a girl from Women's Chorus. Anyways, this unknown girl sang with us on all of our songs, and it irritated me so much because she kept looking over at Krista's sheet music and attempting to sight read all of our songs without any practice in the first place. The lesson I want to give out to you all, if you are to perform something, don't even try if you weren't meant to do it.
Anyways, more about Salt Lake, we went and sang on Temple Square, and gave ourselves a little bit of a tour of all the lights surrounding Temple Square. James actually ended up adding something to my bucket list. Kissing Dawson in front of the Temple. I blush a little just thinking about it. I can play it out in my head. We're just walking around Temple Square together, and when we see the temple we just stop in front of it and talk about it a little and then say how much we want to be together and then wham! Kiss! It sounds just so amazing. James has probably one of the best imaginations for that kind of romantic junk. Haha! Well that goes to prove that I can still fantasize about this little dude.

Anyways, we get back from Salt Lake and I begin to get really stressed over school work and all the things that I had missed while the choirs were gone. I had missed things like tests, and plenty of Homework, and quite a bit of reading. When I get stressed, my back tends to give up on me and so my back hurts all the time. Well, Dawson knowing the side effects of my stress, decides to lend a hand. He carries my backpack around for me, and when I start to limp on my foot, he piggybacks me to my destination, and when I say my back hurts, we sit down and he gives me a back massage. I really appreciate all that he does for me. Even when I'm stressed about all the love I'm not getting from friends or family, he is able to make all of that up in a heartbeat, and can manage a smile to come to my face. Dawson is so unique, and I doubt I'm going to come across somebody better than he is. I feel like he treats me perfect. I remember back to when I was wondering if he really did love me, and I ask myself now why I ever doubted it? It's impossible for him not to! I'm not saying that I'm the most
charming girl out there, but hey! I can be myself around him, and he loves me. I can see it in his eyes, his actions, and his words.
So, yesterday me and Daws went to the mall to go Christmas Shopping! We visited a bunch of stores, and teased each other, and he gave me gift ideas for members of my family. When we went into Hot Topic, I noticed these two My Little Pony shirts that I really wanted. One of them was a Dr. Whooves shirt, and the other was a shirt of the main My Little Pony cast! As we continued to wander around the store, I payed attention to all the things Dawson seemed to like. When I was just about to give up hope, he pointed at a Vinyl Scratch shirt and said "
I WOULD WEAR THAT!" I laughed a little, and then picked it off the rack after looking at what other jacket there was. I noticed a paper on the front saying that all hoodies were $25! I found the smallest size, and held it up to Dawson, and noticed it was a perfect fit. I bought it for him, and when we looked at the price tag we noticed I would've payed $70 for it! What a discount! For my Wonderbolts jacket, I had to pay $75!
After shopping at the mall, we went to my house and watched Deck the Halls and The Grinch, while we ate dinner. After that, we took him home and he came out what seemed to be 10 seconds later to give me my Christmas present. He had gotten me the two shirts that I saw at Hot Topic that I wanted, but he had gotten them ahead of time! He had gotten them way before we even got to the mall! What a clever little dude! xD He knows me way too well! Anyways, he also gave me a plate full of holiday snacks... mostly chocolate centered. Again, he knows me way too well. =)