Wednesday, April 15, 2015

You're Making Me Live.

Every single day I feel just a little bit closer to them. Through listening to all of their trials, experiences, and stories I feel just a little bit stronger. Without the experience that they have given me, where would I be today?


Oh, all those little "hi's" and "hello's" in the halls to the "you look beautiful today's" wherever I go. Friendship is not only acknowledgement, but it's also harmony and acceptance. I've got to admit, I love every single one of my friends. Without them, I wouldn't be who I am today.

That being said, I think surrounding yourself with the right friends determines who you, ultimately, will become. I'm not saying that we all succumb to peer pressure or anything, but we do tend to act like the people we hang out with. Surrounding yourself with positive energy, amongst all trials, is the best thing you can do. However, I try to live by the way of "reaching up."

In the past, I've been known to reach down and save the people that I feel need my help. Though being selfless is considered a good attribute, we shouldn't be so careless as to put ourselves at risk just to lift up others in our lives. After all, helping people is a two-way street. That person needs to want to be helped.

Though friendships are very very important, there is a time to drop them and a time to pick them back up again. If you're unhappy in a friendship, get out. Friendship should be filled with regard for one another and fondness.

With friendship in mind, I challenge you all to write down all the friends you're grateful for and what they've taught you.

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