So many things have happened because they just needed to. This girl that was going to be in a different apartment wanted to be in my apartment with her friend. She complained to the manager, and I basically got asked if I wanted to switch apartments. I'm glad that I wasn't hesitant at all to say yes. I moved in next door to the apartment I was supposed to be in, and I got the last bed available, but quite honestly, I wouldn't want it any other way. I love everything about my side of the room besides the white walls and the uncomfortable bed.
I was so nervous when it came to meeting my roommates, but they've all been very kind. The last girl to actually move in was my section leader in From the Heart choir, so that made me feel like my prayers had been answered a little. I asked for somebody near me that would make me feel a little more comfortable. But honestly, I love everyone here. The other girl in my room loves Rarity, the girl across the hall is just fun to talk to and is with my section leader (who also loves Big Brother) and the two girls in the other room are cool too! One of them loves Coldplay, and attended that concert in Salt Lake. The other girl offered me pizza the first night and is just so sweet. Even though our age differences are very major here in the "Pent-House," we all feel and treat each other the same way.

This evening I was reading my scriptures and I opened up to 2 Nephi 19, but it was referring to Isaiah 9, so I jumped back to that chapter and I came across this verse...
"The bricks are fallen down, but we will build them with hewn stones; the sycamores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars." - Isaiah 9:10
Bek has fallen down. We will build them with hewn stones. We will build her up again, but better. This scripture is extremely important to me right now. I thought that moving out was going to be the hardest thing in the world. I do miss my bed a little bit, but I'm finding a little piece of home here. I'm finding peace. I'm studying with people who share my beliefs and I believe that I'm here for a reason. I'm here to change into a better person through the small little things and the people that I'm surrounding myself with.
It took me a while to realize what this meant and why it was important and why I might be reading it. I began to see the symbolism beneath the objects. The bricks are fallen down.
One thing I've pondered a lot over this weekend is being in the right place at the right time. I read in a class syllabus that we're allowed only 3 tardies because we should always be to class on time. I couldn't help but think about how that might relate to life in general. We say we'll be there on time in the right place, but how often do we find ourselves lollygagging behind the group, or ditching those plans to do something else that is less than beneficial to our overall growth? I feel that right now I'm in the right place at the right time. I feel as though I was meant to be with these people right here and right now. They're here and they're quite honestly an answer to my prayer. A comfort in letting me know that everything is going to be okay.
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