Saturday, July 26, 2014

Turn Around, Bright Eyes

Nervous about all of the above, I started to just... give up. Why should I even care? He doesn't care about me... or at least he says he doesn't. Drawkah was over. I started to talk to his mom about his issues with me, and just asking simple questions like why is he so different right now? But it turns out that nobody really knew. We had our speculations that something else was just happening in his life and he was reflecting his emotions onto me, and just not thinking about what he was doing. But honestly, could it have been me this whole time? Was I really annoying him like he said I was doing? He sent me "Anyway I hope you forget me cuz imma forget it all I'd rather not speak to u in person anymore just stop talking to me and Gav cuz we have grown sick n tired of ur dang drama.. We don't wanna hear it anymore can that get through to u!?" My heart hurt... He just stabbed it with a knife... First annoying? Then just... A drama queen? I didn't want to believe a single word... It all hurt too much.

The next day, my wonderful friend Gabby asked if she could come over because she was worried about how I was doing because honestly, this past month I haven't even been "Bek"... I've been some weird impostor that's just depressed all the time, and clueless about everything that's happening. Things were running through my head like none other about what needs to happen, and how can I fix things with everybody? It's all my fault... When she came over, I told her everything. What was her reaction? Oh... She just assured me that nothing that had happened was my fault, and that I'm diamonds and can do a million times better than the treatment I was receiving from nearly everyone in my life. We pretty much just had a bunch of fun, and as soon as she left... I started questioning myself again... Was she just saying all that because I'm her friend? What can I do to turn this thing around?

Me and Coleman had started talking a day or two after me and Dawson had broken up the 3rd time, and I had pretty much told him my situation, not all of it, but in a nutshell. He was there for when me and Dawson had gotten in that final fight, where he didn't want to be friends with me, and he was just there for anything that I was needing. I couldn't believe it was all actually happening. Drawkah? Broken up? Coleman, and a ton of my other friends kept telling me to keep my chin up, and smile about what lies ahead, and not to worry about the past because it's already happened. Those friends were all being so... nice. I gave up the feel sorry for me act and just... was ready to be happy again. It wasn't easy of course, seeing as how everything that I thought would stay set in stone, flew away like gravel on a country road. But I was doing better.

Me and my other friend, Hirschi started talking again, because the past 2 or 3 weeks he had been out of the house, and grounded, and he had also drowned his phone and lost my number. We started talking again, and me and him... clicked. It was kind of scary though considering I didn't want to fall for anybody anytime soon, but it was happening. I started falling for two guys at once. Now me and these two wonderful guys are just... flirting. Hirschi even asked me to be his girlfriend last night, but I had to turn him down, because I know I need to see what else is out there, even though I couldn't lie that we both had a connection.

Me and Coleman talked for 3 or 4 hours last night, just about random things, and we kept making each other smile just talking and talking and talking. We both didn't want to hang up on each other, but he was getting so tired that I was just like alriiight, I'm gonna go. But it was so fun talking to him, and there's a connection with me and Coleman too. We always play the question game, and last night he even asked me what our combined nickname would be, we decided that if we ever end up happening, we're going to be Bekman. Which is totally hilarious. But then there's those moments when you wake up the next morning, and think to yourself.... everything's so different.

This morning, I talked to Dawson, and we became friends again... I know that us as a couple would never work out, and that Drawkah is pretty much doomed right now. And it's not only me who sees that. It's everybody around us. They all saw it blow up, and Gabby even made me promise never to get back with him after what he put me through... because for all we know, it might happen again with somebody else. But yeah, I totally agree with that right now, and it's definitely taking time trying to get over him, but I know in my heart and in my mindset that I can do anything I put myself into. I'm completely fine with me and Dawson just being friends. I guess it really wasn't meant to be... but this past week and a half has definitely made me realize that there's so many other people out there, even though Dawson was the one I wanted, I should just go test the water, and see what else is out there. And honestly, I've been able to turn it all around, and be happy about things again.

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