Overall, I'm starting to see more of his perspective on things. Heck, he's been here for like four days and I already feel closer to God. His testimony shines through with everything that he does. This must have been a remarkable experience for him. I'm thankful to have him back. It's been a long time and I couldn't be more excited to have him back in my life.
Throughout my week, I've had tons of time with him. We've done everything from talking, singing, playing, searching, and watching things together. It's been absolutely fantastic. I'm glad to see him so happy. It really does seem like he's got everything figured out with the Lord on his side. His attitude makes me want to be a better person. He truly is my hero. I'm so glad I can be reunited with him once more.
For a while, Jordan has felt very awkward about being back in Idaho. He keeps referring to Maine as his home. Typical for a return missionary, am I right? However, he has done a good job of transferring back to this home. He's gotten back with his best friend, Ned, and has plans of living with him before he goes back to BYU-I. He's got a bright future in front of him.