The next thing I knew, I had dipped my toe in the water by taking the written test and getting 100% of the questions I was given correct. I wanted to take my driving test immediately after that, so I aimed for the next day at 7 pm. Once I passed that, I wanted to come in and pick up my license the very next day. That same day, I went up to Rexburg with my brother to audition for a choir up on campus called "From the Heart." Little did I know, that this would house some of the most spiritual learning experiences I've endured in a choral experience.
I made it into "From the Heart," as an Alto II. It was a little odd jumping all the way down from Soprano I/0 in Troylairs and Chamber Singers to From the Heart Choir, but I think I'm starting to like where I am as a musician. Callbacks on Saturday were interesting, as I beat out multiple college students who were looking to find their place in the choir, as our rehearsal was that Sunday. I didn't expect to make it into this choir full of college students. I don't know if it was just because I didn't feel like I measured up, or if it was because of my age, but I made it regardless of any of the doubts I had about myself.
I've learned a lot about myself this past week. Some of it I already knew because of my friends, family, and church leaders telling me that I could do, but I can do anything, so much as I dip my toes into the water and wade into adulthood, in a way that I'll be comfortable to dive in deeper. Leaving my childhood behind isn't easy. I've had to put away a lot of my old habits, and start doing more things that'll make me a better person all together. We should never stop improving though, so I guess that's a really good thing, regardless.
There's always going to be the things and the people that I'll love unconditionally. I won't get into what trials I've been enduring lately, but I will say that I love my gospel, and I would never forsake my God just to please somebody else who loves me very much. He is my Heavenly Father, and I trust in him to direct my paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6) I trust that he has given me the abilities that I need to use in this life, and has provided a way for me to attain the other abilities I will need. It's all thanks to my Heavenly Father that I've made it as far as I have.
For those who ask why I'm so happy all the time, it's because I try not to acknowledge the devils and demons that are hanging on my back every single day of my life. Believe me, I have things going on. I choose to ignore the temptations and the bad things that they whisper in my ear. Sometimes, they weaken me when I have my guard let down, but that's what my friends and church leaders here on Earth are for. We're all here to help strengthen each other. Whether I have little or a lot of Satan's force on me, I know that I can rely on my gospel to help me not to stoop to his level, with the help of my friends and family of course.
So far, my understanding of adulthood has been this: things don't get easier. In fact they get harder and harder, but the point of life is to be happy and let your trials strengthen you, rather than ruin you. You've been given lemons, are you going to make lemonade, or are you going to let life squirt you in the face with lemon juice?