Then, my mom showed me the microscope she bought to look at dog sperms and stuff. I was pretty excited to see what they looked like! We looked inside and saw all the tiny little sperms. It seemed like there was a million of them in one drop. We zoomed in, and the sperms were all shaking and some were moving around. Something I couldn't stop paying attention to however was that whenever I looked in the microscope I could see my own eyelash. I never realized how many eyelashes I had until today. HAHA
I then talked to Dawson and stuff for the rest of the day. My day was pretty boring actually. But here's something I did ALL day: PLAYING EPiC MICKEY!!!
First off, I finished the rocket and stuff, and had gotten inside this tower that Oswald had told me to climb. So i started to climb the stupid tower. There were chandeliers EVERYWHERE. I decided to use that to my advantage. However, the blot had these stupid tentacles that kept pushing me every which way. After I had climbed the tower, there were these gargoyles that I had to paint, and then use my spin move to make it so that their light beams hit the crystal in the middle. However, there was one really bad obstacle...THE BLOT. The blot was there the whole time...IT TOOK FOREVER to get all the stupid gargoyles turned around and hitting the crystal with their beams. Just when I thought I was done, THE BLOT hit me and then I had to start over!! -_- After I finished turning around the gargoyles and stuff the blue light hit the blot, and then the blot flew away. Then we got a shot of Fireworks being aimed into the sky, and Gus told me to head to THE NEXT tower, and then Gus was like: I don't think the next one will be as hard...Anyways, after I climbed that tower, I got up to do the exact same thing, except for the bridge was half-broken, and that the blot spewed enemies AND tried to attack me every 5 seconds! I finished in one piece...I was relieved, and then I found out that there was ANOTHER tower. I got out of that tower, and then started climbing the next one. As I started up, I found it really really easy. But then I got locked in a room with a huge enemy with two smaller splatters. I quickly thinned out the smaller splatters, and then painted the huge enemy, and exited with one heart left. As I get up to where the Blot usually is to attack me, nothing happens...and I start to get a little bit worried. I carry on, and paint all 4 gargoyles as I turn them around to face the correct way. The building shakes, and the floor falls from under me. THE BLOT WAS ATTACKING! Every 5 seconds the floor fell again, taking me down to the bottom...At least I didn't have to climb that tower again! I was on my way down anyways! We were about to get our little machine thing ready to shoot the fireworks, when Oswald sits there with Ortensia frozen in a statue...Mickey and Oswald start admitting their confessions while Gus was changing the batteries of the stupid remote. As Oswald and Mickey were about to shake hands, the Blot comes out of NOWHERE, and scoops up Oswald! Gus comes out and he was all like: I HAVE THE REMOTE! And then the Blot scooped him up too! Mickey, being brave yet stupid and all, WALKED RIGHT INTO THE BLOT! I literally got up out of my seat and screamed: MICKEY, ARE YOU STUPID?!!!! I was IN the blot..I've always been super scared of the blot, so this was HUGE news...I WAS IN THE BLOT! I walked through without a grossed me out because the walls were dark purple, and it was like snot in there...and EWW. Turning a corner, I'm greeted by Gus. He says he's okay, and that we needed to find Oswald, and get my heart back before the Blot goes into the real world. I just paint all the fat splatters that sit around and explode all day until I see some Bloticles!! I kind of freaked out because these bloticles weren't only blue! they were blue and black! I started to pop the little zits on the huge bloticle I found, I went into the little pathway, and then I found some blot-corrupted-cartoon-characters! I started to freak out, and attempt to use my paint on them! HOLY FETCH...THEY KILLED ME IN TWO HITS WHEN I HAVE ALL MY PIPS! These things were like zombies, I couldn't kill them, or make them friendly...I couldn't do anything. They were two quick. Then I had a strategy...PAINT THE BLOTICLE'S ZITS FROM AFAR! All i needed to do was stay on a different level then the blot corrupted characters in order for me to not get killed. After I had popped every zit on the stupid bloticle, Gus explained that the cartoon characters that were blot corrupted disappear whenever you get rid of the bloticle that was in their area. When i got back into the main area with my heart in the air surrounded by a cage of bloticles, I saw Oswald attatched to a wall! I tried to speak with him, but it was like he was painted onto the wall..he didn't even move...This is when I decided to quit playing for the day because I was really cold because I usually play this game downstairs.
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