Thursday, February 28, 2013

Why Can't We Just Get Along?

Well then! Thought I might update my blog even though nothing major has happened. I guess you guys like to keep-in-touch though, so I'm posting! As of when I'm posting this we have 1429 page views! I can't believe that I've come this far without quitting this blog! I talked to my mother and my brother, and it turns out they had very short-lived blogs. My brother wouldn't tell me how many posts he had, but my mom had one post. My mother quit because she couldn't find the time to update, she forgot about it, and she didn't know how to work it anyways! Erik quit because he didn't know what to write..whether he was to make it a personal blog like a journal, just a re-cap of his day, or even just advice-giving. As you guys can see, my blog is a combination of those three things! I can feel free to post whatever I please! If I don't know what to post on a day-to-day basis, then I'll just answer some fan questions, or even answer questions from the random journal jar. (which so far, has only happened once.)

Everyone has been breaking up lately! I wonder what's going on! I'm still confident about being with Dawson though; I know he wouldn't just drop me like some people have done to their partners. Let me just rant with you a little bit. You can't just go: "I love you I love you I love you I love you so so so much! I love you more than anything!" and then break up with them the next day because you don't like them anymore! That, to me, is being a complete liar. You can't just lead a girl on, and then break up with her because you don't want her heart to be broken even more later on. Can't you guys see? Couples just don't have the faith in each other that they used to. At the beginning of the year, we see couples getting together, and finally being happy. Now, it's the end of Rigby Junior High's second trimester, and everyone is getting sick of each other. What my advice is to the people who would like to break up with someone, but "let them go gently" would be to continue to go out with them, but gradually stop doing the things that keep you closer and fade away. Then, in my opinion, you should be able to break up with them, and not have them feel as much heart break.

It's not just the couples that are getting sick of each other here in Rigby. There's been so many fights at our school. There was 1 big chick fight that started it off, and then there were like 3 fights the next day. One girl that I know, got a restraining order and she was just defending herself from a girl who was picking a fight with her. Here's what I say to all this nonsense: Is it really worth it? Do you really mean every word that you say? Was what he..or she...said to you really that bad? How would you feel if you were in the other person's shoes? That's just something to think about it.

Song of the Day: Better That We Break by Maroon 5

Shout-out of the Day:
Keely: To be honest, you're probably one of the only people keeping me sane. There's so much drama lately, and I just wanted to let you know that you, my friend, are amazing! KEEELY. =D I love you!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Drawkah 5 months

Today is my five month anniversary wiff Dawson. I'm so happy! However, this morning was a disaster. I got up, and I decided to be all relaxed and crap, so I were sweat pants. That's the epic part. Next, I decide let's undo my braids from last night. I undo the back braid and it turns out looking like crap. CRAP I TELL YOU. Anyway, I fluff it up a bit, and then do my makeup. I ended up sliding the applicator straight across my pupil. JOY. PURE FREAKING JOY. It hurt soooooo much.

Anyways, after choir, I had noticed Dawson looked sad. I had assumed it was about his dad, and he had just told me there was something in his eye. I didn't believe him. Taking from the fact we had ended choir with Shenandoah, I had come to the conclusion that he misses his father. I try my hardest to make it so he's happy, and apparently it helped.

I had gotten thinking after hearing near the end of Romeo and Juliet, about my last breakup. To be honest, my biggest fear right now is not being able to get past 5 months of being in a relationship. Thanks to James, I'm a little more calmed about the situation. I don't think Dawson would just stop loving me suddenly... so I should be alright.

Song of the Day: superhero by Cher Lloyd.

Shoutout of the day:
Dawson: iloveyou. Happy 5 months. <3

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

That Feeling...

Waking up today, I felt different. Like something.. idk what.. was just wrong. It's that same feeling I woke up with when I got dumped. Well, tomorrow we're hitting our 5 month anniversary. If I can make it through the day after that, this'll be my longest relationship. But there's that strange feeling again... Wish me luck.

Monday, February 18, 2013


This is great. Just AMAZING. Am I gonna regret that he knows my biggest secret? Ehh..probably not because it was something I had done in the past anyways. Sure, I'm Bek..and I can be pretty dang manipulative, but he still manages to love me for who I am anyways! That's what counts, am I right? =) I think I finally trust him..and trusting people for pretty dang hard to do.

Mmkay, yeah. Soo..I've been thinking..and thing that I THINK about it. James and I are like..besties. and we've been besties ever since a lil after the breakup. We've been SOOO much closer! and to be honest, I'm pretty glad we broke up, because now I have someone to talk to that understands me a little more than others do. It's great to have a guyfriend who can understand and tease me. It's great. So, here's to James! (")(^_^)(") RAAWR.

Next order of business!!

DON'T YOU JUST HATE IT WHEN SOME CHICK WON'T GET OVER YOU AND LEAVE YOU ALONE? AND THEN SHE SENDS HER FRIENDS AFTER YOU TO TORMENT YOU AND MAKE IT SO THAT YOU WON'T FORGET HER?! Haha yeah..pretty much. But! Chelsea and I went out and we threw away all of the crap that was related to..her..It was awesome..we said a speech about the item, and then we threw it as far away from us as possible, out into the snow. Pretty dang epic if ya ask me!



Song of the Day: Count On Me by Bruno Mars

ShoutOut of the Day:
Chelbo: This one's for you! Never give up on those stupid b-words who are tryna get in your way!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Home Alone.

Oh wow...Home alone on a four day weekend. JOY, am i right? PURE FREAKING JOY!! me? NO. My friends are all out doing stuff without me, and I'm stuck at home watching these dumb dogs when I could be out having fun with Mary and Krista at the pizza party while we could've had laugh attacks and died on the floor from laughter. But no. Nothing..sitting here "SUPERVISING." The sad part is, I said I had so much work to do, but I finally finished my comfort zone and concert critique for choir and after that it's been like THERE IS NOTHING TO DO! Other than the fact that I've gotta write journal entries for Romeo & Juliet. I got about 1 entry for Romeo, and one for Juliet, both similar and about the same night. Aka, when they first met. The thing that troubles me most is that I have to write these journal entries in a Shakespearean language! How the fetch?! Another thing about being home alone, you don't realize when you're full, and just eat and eat and eat until you finish watching whatever is on your DVR, and then you end up puking. Not that that happened or did...once...not today, but still!

What I love about being home alone is that you can stay on technology as long as you would like, and have peace and quiet...well...not in my house. It's never quiet...or peaceful..thanks to my dogs! -_- It's pretty darn hard to stay concentrated on the whole Romeo & Juliet journal entry thing, but I think I might stick with a journal entry a day because after all, I've just got four journal entries left, and then I'll type it all up!

Is it weird that I really really really want to just invite over all my friends to come and party at my house while my parents are gone? I'm so lonely that it doesn't even seem like it's a bad idea! I'm so lonely that I don't know what to say to other people who wanna talk to me! I really just want my mom to let me invite over at least one friend that she really trusts to hang out and stuff so I won't sit here in misery while everybody else is out having a good weekend. I was really looking forward to this weekend, but now...not so much. I want it to be over now, even though there's work to be done.

Song of The Day: Break The Sky cover by HopeUndying or Felecia Dygart
This girl has an AMAZING voice..I love her!
Here, you guys get a picture because I'm not doing a shoutout.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day 2013

These past few days have been...the best. I'm not gonna go into detail because it's gonna make single people sadder than they already are. Mmkay... allow me ONE sentence of happiness over what happened. Kissing a bunch with Dawson, and getting chocolate for Valentine's day. Ohh my gosh. Haha. =) amazing.
Song of the day: Collide by Howie day.
Shout-Outs of the Day:
James: Yeah..I lost your dare...sorrry.
Dawson: you're amazing. Haha =)
Chelsea: sorry we nevah danced.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

People Can Change

Temptations are powerful, and can overcome your thoughts and feelings. Be sure to stay true to who you are, and hang with the right crowd. Make sure that you both like them and like yourself when you are around them. Little things like these and up shaping who you are. Let's face it, if you're a good girl or a good boy who obeys your parents and follows the rules and your standards, chances are you're on the right path. However, people can change... let's take that same type of person, but fit them into a world of temptations and a bad crowd. There's no doubt about it, you're going to change according to who you are with certain people. It doesn't matter whether it's for good or for bad.

Sometimes people change for the better. Let's say there's this guy..or've always hated because they're on the wrong path and you don't like the way you are around them, and what you feel. About 2 years from now, that person could have changed from before. Since everyone and everything can change, we've invented what the world calls "second chances." Before you hop right in, and start hanging around this person who has said that they have changed, actually observe them..see if they're really telling the truth. You never know, sometimes people change for the worst. It can take any amount of time for someone to "change."

Another thing that affects change is your attitude. Chances are, if you go through your day with a smile on your face, no matter what your mood is, you're going to attract other great people that are possibly on the right path because of the happiness they feel around you. However, if you go throughout your day complaining, you're going to attract the complete opposite, the wrong crowd.

If you want good friends, and happiness in your life, then I suggest you follow your heart, as I've said before, and make the correct choices according to the situations that occur. Don't just hop into any idea, think about it.

Song of the day: Everything Can Change by Spectacular.

Shout Out of The Day:
Marie: People change... the person you thought was your best friend in elementary school, could be your mortal enemy now. If you were really my friend, you'd know i wouldn't lie on here. Please don't go around saying I'm a bad person when I state my thoughts, opinions, and experiences.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Choir Dinner 2013

This year's choir dinner was the best. Not because of the dinner itself but because of what happened throughout it.
Okay so I decided to have Chelsea and Dawson ride with me up to the highschool directly after school. So we did. No biggie. =)  yeah so we just sit in the car. Whatevs. All of us holding hands. Me in the middle cuz I'm not letting her hold his hand. Yeah. So we get to the high-school and I see James and we say hi and stuff. No big deal even though I hadn't seen him since the christmas concert. So Dawson James Chelsea and I were up in the choir room with James playing talking to the moon by Bruno Mars on the piano, when Chelsea tells him and I to kiss, and so we did and she took a picture. And now there's another pic of us kissing on Dawson's iPod. It was brighter and you could see my face, so I  liked it! Kay so later after we had performed Dawson and I were kinda hot and we wanted to avoid an un-named stalker who kept reappearing so we went outside to walk and talk a bit. On our 3rd time outside, I admit... I was FREEEEZING. But I didn't wanna go back inside. So I suggested to sit down on the bench in front of rhs. we sat there and I put my head on his shoulder and he kind of rested his head on mine, and then put his arm around me. Then I wanted him to do this one trick with his hand where he can hold mine and have his arm around me. We talked about how I felt about James back then, and then I transitioned to how I feel about daws. And then we like talked about if we would rather freeze to death or burn to death. We had those intervals with the conversation where we kissed but we only kissed 4 times. Technically 5, but we said one didn't count because we missed and I got his cheek and he got my chin. Thrilling, huh? Yeah that's when I made a move and was like fine that doesn't count. Here's to make up for it! Then I kissed him.
Recently we've done something we call a double kiss. It's like two consecutive kisses. And it wasn't making out cuz making out to us would be- "ick" we had talked about it before once and had defined the term "making out" as using tongue- a little or a lot, in a kiss... again...ick.
Anyways, Dawson and I decide to head back into the school, and I had a good 20 new messages on my phone full of "where are you?" texts. I come in and everyone either assumes he and I just had sex or we were "making out" (ick) I deny it and tons of people are still worried. Well here's my confirmation guys..I'm not a slut! =) Dawson and I were sitting outside talking about random crap being boyfriend and girlfriend. No big deal. We just wanted some alone time.
Anyways I just went home and watched pitch perfect with Chelsea. It was sooo good.
Teenage Dream by Katy Perry
Dedicating this to Chelsea for making a fort out of sheets.
James: Hey! Sorry I disappeared the other night. this whole post says I didn't do what Alex said Dawson and I did. Haha anyways. I need Seek. No joke. For seers. MONDAY.
P.s. Im commandeering Eriks guitar.mwahaha it's MINE now!