Temptations are powerful, and can overcome your thoughts and feelings. Be sure to stay true to who you are, and hang with the right crowd. Make sure that you both like them and like yourself when you are around them. Little things like these and up shaping who you are. Let's face it, if you're a good girl or a good boy who obeys your parents and follows the rules and your standards, chances are you're on the right path. However, people can change... let's take that same type of person, but fit them into a world of temptations and a bad crowd. There's no doubt about it, you're going to change according to who you are with certain people. It doesn't matter whether it's for good or for bad.
Sometimes people change for the better. Let's say there's this guy..or girl..you've always hated because they're on the wrong path and you don't like the way you are around them, and what you feel. About 2 years from now, that person could have changed from before. Since everyone and everything can change, we've invented what the world calls "second chances." Before you hop right in, and start hanging around this person who has said that they have changed, actually observe them..see if they're really telling the truth. You never know, sometimes people change for the worst. It can take any amount of time for someone to "change."
Another thing that affects change is your attitude. Chances are, if you go through your day with a smile on your face, no matter what your mood is, you're going to attract other great people that are possibly on the right path because of the happiness they feel around you. However, if you go throughout your day complaining, you're going to attract the complete opposite, the wrong crowd.
If you want good friends, and happiness in your life, then I suggest you follow your heart, as I've said before, and make the correct choices according to the situations that occur. Don't just hop into any idea, think about it.
Song of the day: Everything Can Change by Spectacular.
Shout Out of The Day:
Marie: People change... the person you thought was your best friend in elementary school, could be your mortal enemy now. If you were really my friend, you'd know i wouldn't lie on here. Please don't go around saying I'm a bad person when I state my thoughts, opinions, and experiences.