Troylairs... The class I've been waiting 2 years for... I remember 2 years ago when I was a little 8th grader who's passion was to sing, that I looked up to The Troylairs. I had dreams about becoming one, and there I was... being welcomed into Troylairs by Mr. Burrows, himself. My stomach had began to get aches that first day... I was nervous, yet really... I was overwhelmed that I was in it. Was I really good enough? As we all began to sing The Star Spangled Banner, I thought to myself: This is exactly what I wanted, but.. Do I deserve it? Then I got kind of a mini-flashback as to what I said to James once... Does it deserve you, Bek? Is Troylairs worth your time? Are you willing to be here? Are you willing to try your best? Will The Troylairs accept you for who you are? I kept asking me all these questions, when I realized. I already know that I deserve it. If I didn't deserve to be in Troylairs, I wouldn't have gotten in. There's people out there that would KILL to be in your spot, Bek. I knew that was true! I realized I need to quit being so hard on myself.
Alright! I don't have much to say, really, about Dawson and I hanging out on his birthday. It'll be pretty self-explanatory if I give you some pictures. All I can say right now, is that he made me feel like I was wanted, and needed. He told me, that I had proved that I wanted him, and that he can't stop thinking of the expression on my face when he had to leave. Wait... Why does that sound so... familiar? More... Familiar than usual. Could it be that... James told me that same thing when we had to leave... That's why it's so familiar. It's happened to me before, and I caught the same worry that I had last time it happened. Except... I'm sure this time was more genuine. I don't want to lose him... Every time me and Dawson kiss there's something leaves me wanting more and more. Love can be complicated and explainable, but Dawson and I's love is just so simple. Dawson and I love each other, and that's that. Nobody can change our love. But yeah, I have to say that was a good Thursday, even though I hate Thursdays.

Drawkah. A subject of war, peace, and love. One of the most important things in two peoples lives. They love everything about each other, whether it's a flaw or a skill. Drawkah, as of yesterday, has been together for 11 months. Drawkah is a roller coaster of drama, but can always be solved by just a kiss or by dropping it by saying that they still love each other more than anything. Drawkah...
Song of the Day: Venice by The Lighthouse and the Whaler
Shout-Out of the Day:
New Relationships: "Build upon what you may or may not have. When you crumble, build each other up again. Do you want to be known as someone who has nobody to trust, or is not to be trusted? Love each other. Help each other. Be there for each other." -Lil Miss Epic
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