So!! I'd like to dedicate this here post to The Scootalooser and The Daily Tower. I know that now the two are sadly inactive blogs, but I'd just like to an extend a thank you towards all their efforts they have taken to inspire others around them. They're both amazing bloggers, but I've got to say it's hard releasing them as my fellow sistersites. If you two are reading this, I'd love to say that I love you both. Don't take this personally, but I guess Lil Miss Epic is now on her own as a blog. Thank you so much to all of you reading my blog, the anniversary of Lil Miss Epic is slowly approaching us in one month. As we reach our goal of one year, I'd love to hear some fan questions from you guys. It'd be great because I'd love to answer your questions! By the way this is officially our 99th post!! The next post will be our 100th! I'm so excited!
I'm starting to think with each post I have I'll carry on what The Daily Tower left behind... A quote. In my case, an inspirational quote. And to put more effort into all of this, I'll edit that quote into a picture to make it more visually appealing. So, here you go! Today's quote by Will Rogers
As for the rest of today's post, have a video of the Song of the Day provided by James and Chelsea: Stay by Rihanna (ft. Mikky Ekko) cover by James and Chelsea As for that, I love these two very much. Stay inspirational.
What's one thing you have always regretted doing or not doing?