Tell about your favorite aunt.
My favorite aunt is definitely my aunt Deanne. My mother's sister is the youngest and at times quite easy to relate to. She lives in New York and is a single photographer who is also involved in the make-up business with Clinique, a quality make-up brand. Every year she comes down from New York and brings us all sorts of cool pictures of the life she's built herself up in New York and she always brings a ton of make-up stuff for us girls. All the make-up I own is mostly from her amazing generosity. I share her love for photography, and I hope to apply that into my life, as she does.
Where did you live when you were born?
When I was first born, we lived in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Which is kind of funny, seeing as how my boyfriend came from Wyoming.
Have you met or worked with any famous people?

Describe a typical school day in High-school.
Well, first I wake up and get dressed, brush my teeth, brush my hair, and get on my make-up, and then I wait for the bus while listening to music or watching YouTube, or packing random stuff that I forgot to pack back up. While I'm on the bus, I talk to one of my best friends, Kiley. We talk about random things like family problems and boyfriends, or just random events that happened at the school. When we arrive at the highschool, we greet Dawson and walk in, and I walk to English, and sit through a painful hour of just... boringness. Then, I get to walk to my favorite class, Seminary! Full of inspiration, motivation, and good-humored fun, this class is refreshing!
After a heart-felt lesson of Seminary, I walk to Biology, usually running into Dawson on the way. In Biology we usually take notes or do a lab. When we take notes I get headaches so easy because she always says uhm like an infant, and she usually raises the end of her sentences, which gets annoying. When the bell finally rings for us to get out of that class, me and Dawson go to eat lunch under the stairs. When we finish eating, we usually go flirt at the top of the stairs and cuddle and just tell jokes and just... be adorable. Interrupting our happy reunion of love and happiness, the bell rings and we head to Troylairs to sing our hearts out. The second sopranos usually have a rough time with the notes, but we usually pull through in the end. Either upset with a day of no success, or overjoyed with the accomplishments we made, I walk out of the classroom with Dawson to head over to our last class together, Algebra 2. In that class, I'm usually too exhausted to not act like myself, and I crack a couple of jokes, or feel like all of the material we're learning is easy. Other days, when I'm upset, I'll be the complete opposite, and I'll be silent and feel stupid with the material. When the bell rings for us to escape the long day, and retire to our houses. Dawson walks me to my bus and kisses me good-bye, and I get on the bus and talk to random people on the way home, usually leading most of the conversations I'm in. And that's pretty much it, except for maybe playing Minecraft with Dawson. Haha
Tell about your favorite school teacher and subject.
Mr. Burrows is a lively choir teacher who jumps around and is for the most part, very positive. Full of a ton of stories and inside jokes, this teacher is just very fun to be around.
Mr. Burrows is a lively choir teacher who jumps around and is for the most part, very positive. Full of a ton of stories and inside jokes, this teacher is just very fun to be around.
Well that's about it! I hope you thoroughly enjoyed this month's special blog-post! Keep inspiring!