Friday, January 24, 2014

Q&A ~4 A Typical School Day

It's still January, and here's what you picked for this month's special post: Highlight of 2013 and LME Q&A! Since LME Q&A had more votes quicker than Highlight of 2013, This month we will be doing the Q&A. I think it's better that we just classify the highlights of 2013 as Lil Miss Epic 1st Anniversary: TOP PICKS. That's basically my "top picks" of 2013 overall, starting from "The Key to Understanding." Anyways, I picked some questions at the beginning of this month to pretty much ponder on for the entirety of the month, and here they are! For my next Q&A, be sure to submit your own suggestions!

Tell about your favorite aunt.
My favorite aunt is definitely my aunt Deanne. My mother's sister is the youngest and at times quite easy to relate to. She lives in New York and is a single photographer who is also involved in the make-up business with Clinique, a quality make-up brand. Every year she comes down from New York and brings us all sorts of cool pictures of the life she's built herself up in New York and she always brings a ton of make-up stuff for us girls. All the make-up I own is mostly from her amazing generosity. I share her love for photography, and I hope to apply that into my life, as she does.

Where did you live when you were born?
When I was first born, we lived in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Which is kind of funny, seeing as how my boyfriend came from Wyoming.

Have you met or worked with any famous people?
I have never worked with anybody famous before. Then again, I kind of have. My mom is kind of famous in Taiwan for bringing in the very first teacup poodle. His name is Tino the Fluffy Red Elf. So yeah, I've basically raised some celebrities in my life time.

Describe a typical school day in High-school.
Well, first I wake up and get dressed, brush my teeth, brush my hair, and get on my make-up, and then I wait for the bus while listening to music or watching YouTube, or packing random stuff that I forgot to pack back up. While I'm on the bus, I talk to one of my best friends, Kiley. We talk about random things like family problems and boyfriends, or just random events that happened at the school. When we arrive at the highschool, we greet Dawson and walk in, and I walk to English, and sit through a painful hour of just... boringness. Then, I get to walk to my favorite class, Seminary! Full of inspiration, motivation, and good-humored fun, this class is refreshing! 
After a heart-felt lesson of Seminary, I walk to Biology, usually running into Dawson on the way. In Biology we usually take notes or do a lab. When we take notes I get headaches so easy because she always says uhm like an infant, and she usually raises the end of her sentences, which gets annoying. When the bell finally rings for us to get out of that class, me and Dawson go to eat lunch under the stairs. When we finish eating, we usually go flirt at the top of the stairs and cuddle and just tell jokes and just... be adorable. Interrupting our happy reunion of love and happiness, the bell rings and we head to Troylairs to sing our hearts out. The second sopranos usually have a rough time with the notes, but we usually pull through in the end. Either upset with a day of no success, or overjoyed with the accomplishments we made, I walk out of the classroom with Dawson to head over to our last class together, Algebra 2. In that class, I'm usually too exhausted to not act like myself, and I crack a couple of jokes, or feel like all of the material we're learning is easy. Other days, when I'm upset, I'll be the complete opposite, and I'll be silent and feel stupid with the material. When the bell rings for us to escape the long day, and retire to our houses. Dawson walks me to my bus and kisses me good-bye, and I get on the bus and talk to random people on the way home, usually leading most of the conversations I'm in. And that's pretty much it, except for maybe playing Minecraft with Dawson. Haha

Tell about your favorite school teacher and subject.
Mr. Burrows is a lively choir teacher who jumps around and is for the most part, very positive. Full of a ton of stories and inside jokes, this teacher is just very fun to be around. 

Well that's about it! I hope you thoroughly enjoyed this month's special blog-post! Keep inspiring!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Forever and Ever, Babe

16 months ago today, I asked an amazing boy to try out a relationship with me... That relationship is still running strong. We hardly ever fight, but when we do, it ends instantaneously. Drawkah is the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I couldn't ask for a better man to be with for the rest of my life.

Today I spent the day with my father, and we did a number of things. First we went to the community park in Idaho Falls and walked around for a while talking about random stuff, and how Dawson asked me out to the Winter Ball, and all the fun things I've got planned for the future and we talked about how I'll be out of high school in about 2 and a half years,

We went to the temple and saw the restoration movie they had at the visitor's center, and afterwards we went to Smitty's and I worked on homework while we were there.

It was so fun, but the highlight of the time I had with my father was the conversation we had on the way home. He asked: "What are your life plans?" I said: "Dad... I want to marry him." There was a slight pause, and then I said: "Daddy, you know I love him." He replied with an "I know you do." We ended up talking about religion and how important it was that he goes on a mission. In the end, I know that I deserve a return missionary, but I'm not sure that's what Dawson has foreordained for him. Maybe he's meant to go into the marines, or maybe he's just meant to stay home with me. We don't have a clue... But, I know I want to be with him, and I don't think anyone can stop that. The next time he asks if I love him, I'll quote Adam Sandler from Click and reply "Forever and Ever, Babe."

Friday, January 17, 2014

Testimony On: Choice

Heyyy!! It's my viewers!! I've kind of missed blogging for the most part. Instead of talking about my life, I've bottled it up, giving me big emotional breakdowns and depression for the most part. To make up for that, I'll write on this, to let me show my emotions. Usually, I'd prefer just having nobody see them at all. But since this is more of like a journal, I kind of need to inform my future self of what lessons I've learned here in the present. 

That's why journals are so important. To remind you of all the challenges you've overcome, and the opportunities and blessings you've earned because of them. Those kinds of things make us stronger, and ultimately shape us into who we will be. Making our personalities better or worse depending on what choices we make. Ultimately, we have two decisions: right versus wrong. We all know what the right decision and what the wrong decision is, but we all just automatically assume that the wrong path won't be as bad, and sometimes that case is true, as we still get blessings on that path. However, the opposite path that we chose not to take won't let us get those blessings because we can't go back and re-do what we have done. Perhaps those blessings are greater, then again we were supposed to take that decision as it gets us closer to our Heavenly Father, and the ultimate goal of happiness. Even though we may see ourselves as perfectly happy now, we may never find the true meaning of happiness if we don't take the right path.

Personally to all of us, this is just a maze. We know which way is going to lead us in the right direction, but we get curious when we see some of our best friends go down the opposite way, making it look like the better choice. Which would you rather have? A life full of happiness, but just for now?? Or would you rather have a life with no regrets here and have your afterlife be perfection in the celestial kingdom? I prefer perfection in the celestial kingdom with my heavenly father. I testify that it'll all be worth it in the end, and that we will all gain peace in that aspect. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Kicking Off 2014

New Year's Eve. The last of 2013 as it was. I decided to invite a few friends over, but Sienna ended up not coming because I told her she could go to her other friend's birthday party instead because that party didn't have many guests. Anyways, I had Mary and Dawson come over and party with me. We watched Equestria Girls and played Cards Against Humanity, and let me tell you. That night was the most fun I've had in a long time. And to top off 2013, Dawson and I actually kissed at midnight. It was perfect.

Mary. Mary is possibly one of my best friends when we DO hang out. I love to hang out with her, and she's just a really fun person to be around. Seeing as how she laughs at all of my jokes and laughs at nearly everything with me, she's just... a PERFECT funny friend to be with!

Dawson. You all know about him, I talk about him non-stop. But lemme tell ya, I don't think I've seen this kid laugh so much at "Cards Against Humanity." All of our cards combined were some pretty weird things. It was funny! I realized he can pick out anything that sounds like something I would say, and he's pretty much right! He always had some of the funniest responses to my black cards. For example, I would ask: "What ended my last relationship?" and he'd answer: "Men." He really does crack me up.

Combined, Mary and Dawson are two of my favorite people to hang around with. That night was really fun, and I don't think I could have asked for more. Thank you both for making me so happy, and kicking off 2014 to a great start! More parties with these two? Sounds like the way I want to live 2014.