Sunday, October 26, 2014
It's Not An Option
Say something I'm giving up on you is not love... it's definitely meant to be that way, but honestly... if you love somebody, leaving them is not even an option.
Before you get in a fight with those you love, keep in mind the question, "it really worth it?" Is this little fight really going to ruin your future together? If it really is, then get out.
Love is forgiveness and sincerity, not accusation and dishonesty. Are you giving love or are you giving hate? Remember the law of attraction... Whatever you give, you receive!
I understand that most of the advice that I give out is easier said than done, but maybe that's what we need in life... We need to quit over-complicating things, when we already know the simple answer.
Song of the Day: Squeaking Wheels and White Light by This Providence
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Be That Change

I know that I have been able to change myself, and I've been working on helping others in their daily tasks. In fact, it's helped me with my own tasks because the same people will offer their help when I need somebody to lean on. Not only has initiating my change been beneficial on my religious side, but i's also been able to help me open up my social circle too.
I find myself more able to talk to people instead of being closed off like I used to. I'm meeting lots of new people by not just hanging out with the same people all the time, and changing up my regular schedule. I don't find myself alone very often-- unless I happen to be walking to the bus alone or staying after school when nobody else is there.
I know that initiating my change has been extremely beneficial to me and to my friends. I know that what I'm on the right track. My blog is here not only to notify each and every one of my readers about the things that are going on in my life, but also the things that I see all around me that make me inspired to uplift and motivate you all. I close by again saying, Be the difference in the world, and inspire somebody else to change along with the want for you to become somebody better than you are now.
Friday, October 17, 2014
Will You Be My Superman?
Anyways, I went out and bought some neon tennis shoes that I had been wanting, and planned away! I decided I wanted to buy some Supermanesque. duct tape. I ended up buying a nice dark blue shade and a nice dark red shade for my colors. I also found this awesome tape with the logo on it and everything! For the lid of the box, I taped it red. For the box itself, I taped it blue, and for the inside, I did the logo duct tape.

Let me tell ya, that other Walmart had a TON of Superman merch. I found myself oo-ing and ah-ing over nearly everything Superman related in the men's section. Varsity jackets, other cool shirts, and shirts that look like you're wearing a belt! Boy, was it super! I knew he would like what I was getting him, but I wasn't completely sure he even liked superman. Confident in my Harvest proposal, that was just missing this last piece, I decided to buy the two shirts that had the capes. I was super excited to give it to him the next day. On the lid of the box, I put "Jared, Harvest would be SUPER if you were my man." and on the bottom of the box underneath the T-shirt I put "Harvest? -Bek" Anyways, I got it to him on Tuesday the fourteenth and was really excited to find out his reaction when my friend Kiley gave him the box.
I was pretty happy and content after I had asked him considering I knew he'd taken a liking to the shirt as I had totally modeled it at my school that same Tuesday. Expecting a response the next day, or within the same week, I went about my day and went to mutual, and came home to lay in bed and text Tyler and James. When all of a sudden, I get a text from Jared asking,
"Do you put your dogs in at night?" and I responded with,
"Yeah, why?"
"Oh. I was wondering because they didn't bark..."
"What the heck? are you like.. at my house right now?!"

I was totally surprised... he had been at my house... was he still here? I walked outside and all I could see was this golden balloon hovering above my yard. I went out to catch it, and since it looked like it was attached to the fence, or our tree, I went inside to get scissors and cut it loose, I pulled the balloon down and it read "I can't wait to "fly" you to harvest. -Jared" Oh you wouldn't believe how happy I was that he had say yes, especially since it was on the day of. Sure it was just an answer, but really-- it meant the world to me right then and there.
It was unbelievable. He totally made my day, and he told me ":) Thanks. And thank you for asking, it was creative and fun, and I totally didn't see it coming until I read the note. :)" Even just the thought that I had made his day, made me sleep easy because I knew that I might have turned his day around to make it better just by doing something as simple as asking him to a school dance. Maybe he was just being nice? Is that why he said yes?

Teasing me, my mom kept telling me that he went way too overboard to just say yes to me. In my mind, the balloon would've been enough... but I think he spent almost the same amount that I did in saying yes to me. I knew that he obviously cared and genuinely wanted to go with me because he got me my favorite flowers, my favorite chocolate and said yes in a creative way! Isn't it just perfect? Gosh, this date will be SUPER fun.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Make An Adjustment
What do I need to be happy? The obvious answer is-- my religion, my family, and my friends.
I know that if we can put all of our effort into our three needs, our happiness will dramatically increase. Maybe it's just the law-of-attraction speaking, but hey. amen!
Recently, I was included in an amazing moment. My friend, Jared, invited me with him and his group of friends to go see "Meet the Mormons," a documentary about what we believe in, and the activities we do. At first, I was a bit skeptical in thinking that since it was a documentary, it would be really boring. Boy, was I wrong. The theater was laughing, crying, and just going through all sorts of emotions. I felt the spirit-- in a movie theater of all places! I totally recommend this movie, especially if you're looking into the gospel, or even looking to reaffirm your faith. It tells an amazing story about the lives of 6 latter-day-saints. It was amazing, and made me want to do more in the world.
Service! It's amazing, you guys. Even just commenting on somebody's Facebook status by telling them that they are beautiful can absolutely make their day. After all, it's not every day that I get called beautiful--especially since I'm single. Relationship statuses aside, I know in my heart that I don't need a man to be happy. All I need to know is that I'm a beautiful daughter of God, and I surround myself with people who see me as that, and so it's easy to "play the part." And you know what they say, be the character. But to be the character, you have to change your life, and make adjustments to what you want to be seen as by other people. How can you adjust your life?
Adjust how you view yourself, and how others perceive you. Start becoming more thankful for all of the blessings that you already have. Find something reliable and solid to put your faith and trust in. For me, this is the gospel, and my family. Sure, friends are able to help you too, but they aren't always available. However, Christ and your family are always available to help. Become aware of your surroundings, stand in holy places and places you feel comfortable to grow and become a better person.
Playing the part, isn't always as easy as it may sound. Even I'm having a hard time adjusting to my changes, but that's why you need to surround yourself with the good in the world, and the things that you love. If we're always looking at the bad things in life, how can we find time to be grateful for all the things that we are given? How can we find something reliable if we, ourselves, are not? How can we become a better person in a sea of darkness? Make an adjustment, change something in your lives, and start by doing something for somebody else. How undeniably selfish it is of us to just sit around and complain about our lives, when there are magnificent people out there that are willing to help. You can be that person, that rock, for your friends and family, and make them want to reach up and be better people.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
My Inspiration Leads To Initiation
Recently, I've actually sat down and thought about it. If I am busy, I find the time later to do it. I mean... these people are coming to me for help. Isn't that just heartwarming? Knowing somebody out there needs you, or even cares about what you'd have to say in what's going on in their own lives. Even just hearing somebody else's personal problems, that may be too private to share with others makes me a little bit happy inside because I know that they wouldn't just share it with anybody. It is to them, I say thank you for trusting me ,of all people, with your problems.
It inspires me to keep this blog up and running because on here, my readers care about what I have to say, and what's going on in my life. It's pretty amazing what the world can do for you when you try to do so much for the world. (#LawOfAttraction) Even the thought of "I'm going to make a change" has brought me so many blessings, in knowing that there are people out there that support me through it all. The differences in my life have been overwhelming, but with the help of my Heavenly Father, I've been able to overcome them as difficulties, and see them more as opportunities. Thank you, everybody for supporting me through this change.
Even though so much has happened between me and a ton of different people at our school. I plan on just playing it cool, and not acting on anything that happens. After all, what's in the past is in the past. Ever since I made my decision to change for the better, I've been having so many clear thoughts. As clear as day. I know that in the past, I've talked about my loved-ones going and changing on me, but honestly-- I see that I'm starting to change too now. But... I'm initiating my change.
Monday, October 6, 2014
A Change For The Better
Recently, I've looked at myself and thought about all of my little faults. How could I expect somebody so perfect to just waltz into my life and love me the way I'll love them if I'm not trying my absolute best to be the best Bek that I can possibly be. I know that if I am to expect such high things from people, I need to expect the best out of myself, and make it happen.
Anyways-- I kept thinking about it and decided I needed to change, especially after talking to this missionary, who let's face it, is pretty much perfect and is on the right track (obviously). Anyways, I talked to him about scriptures and all the things that I knew I was supposed to be doing. Talking to him was a type of wake up call, along with conference that told me I needed to get on the right track. How great is it when somebody plus your friends give you advice on how to improve your life in aspects that you don't know how?
Conference was possibly the best thing that's happened to me since I got dumped(besides my friends coming to my aide and stuff). It was amazing to hear the words of the prophet after knowing in my heart that I needed to change, and that I had to be the one to initiate that and make it happen. I couldn't just continue on in life without actually trying after conference after all the talks about getting a constant flow of inspiration and revelation and all sorts of amazing things about keeping the Gospel in your life, and standing in holy places. After conference, I was absolutely inspired. Especially since I got to talk about it with a couple different people about all the different talks that were given-- even my dad!
Looking back into my childhood, I have a lot to thank my dad for. Turns out, he's the one who taught me how to read, but more importantly, he taught me how to read and study my scriptures. Way back when I was in fourth grade, lived in Rexburg, and my sister had cancer and my parents were just initiating action on their divorce, me, my brother, and my father would all have scripture study together and explain each verse and put it into different easier-to-understand words. It was really nice looking back at it because I honestly think that was the year that I gained my true testimony of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Now, half-way through the first trimester of my Junior year, I know that I need to act on that testimony, and start walking my talk. With the help and support of my friends and Heavenly Father, I know that I can do anything. Stay Inspired, kids.