Anyways, I went out and bought some neon tennis shoes that I had been wanting, and planned away! I decided I wanted to buy some Supermanesque. duct tape. I ended up buying a nice dark blue shade and a nice dark red shade for my colors. I also found this awesome tape with the logo on it and everything! For the lid of the box, I taped it red. For the box itself, I taped it blue, and for the inside, I did the logo duct tape.

Let me tell ya, that other Walmart had a TON of Superman merch. I found myself oo-ing and ah-ing over nearly everything Superman related in the men's section. Varsity jackets, other cool shirts, and shirts that look like you're wearing a belt! Boy, was it super! I knew he would like what I was getting him, but I wasn't completely sure he even liked superman. Confident in my Harvest proposal, that was just missing this last piece, I decided to buy the two shirts that had the capes. I was super excited to give it to him the next day. On the lid of the box, I put "Jared, Harvest would be SUPER if you were my man." and on the bottom of the box underneath the T-shirt I put "Harvest? -Bek" Anyways, I got it to him on Tuesday the fourteenth and was really excited to find out his reaction when my friend Kiley gave him the box.
I was pretty happy and content after I had asked him considering I knew he'd taken a liking to the shirt as I had totally modeled it at my school that same Tuesday. Expecting a response the next day, or within the same week, I went about my day and went to mutual, and came home to lay in bed and text Tyler and James. When all of a sudden, I get a text from Jared asking,
"Do you put your dogs in at night?" and I responded with,
"Yeah, why?"
"Oh. I was wondering because they didn't bark..."
"What the heck? are you like.. at my house right now?!"

I was totally surprised... he had been at my house... was he still here? I walked outside and all I could see was this golden balloon hovering above my yard. I went out to catch it, and since it looked like it was attached to the fence, or our tree, I went inside to get scissors and cut it loose, I pulled the balloon down and it read "I can't wait to "fly" you to harvest. -Jared" Oh you wouldn't believe how happy I was that he had say yes, especially since it was on the day of. Sure it was just an answer, but really-- it meant the world to me right then and there.
It was unbelievable. He totally made my day, and he told me ":) Thanks. And thank you for asking, it was creative and fun, and I totally didn't see it coming until I read the note. :)" Even just the thought that I had made his day, made me sleep easy because I knew that I might have turned his day around to make it better just by doing something as simple as asking him to a school dance. Maybe he was just being nice? Is that why he said yes?

Teasing me, my mom kept telling me that he went way too overboard to just say yes to me. In my mind, the balloon would've been enough... but I think he spent almost the same amount that I did in saying yes to me. I knew that he obviously cared and genuinely wanted to go with me because he got me my favorite flowers, my favorite chocolate and said yes in a creative way! Isn't it just perfect? Gosh, this date will be SUPER fun.
I'm "super" excited to get to know this kid.
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