My mom has been giving me the same bit of relationship advice ever since she got engaged to my step-dad: "Marry your best friend."
Now I'm not saying that I'm getting married right now, but yeah. I'm looking forward to that future. Everybody needs a friend though and who better to marry once all the young-adult hormones have gone away? A best friend is the ideal person to grow older with because if you can never get tired of each other and you can continue to make each other laugh, it sounds like a great relationship to be in.
You always see stuff like this in the movies too. Usually the best guy friend that's always there for the girl in the movie, ends up getting her by the end of the film by this same idea: marry your best friend.
Many times throughout the lifespan of this blog, I've defined what a best friend is. Well, I'm about to do it again. A best friend is somebody that you won't tire of (at least not easily) and is somebody that you can make up with easily and joke around with. Best friends should be there through it all rather than just talking about themselves and nothing else.
I'm not trying to make this post a show-off of me and my boyfriend and how we fell in love when we were originally just friends, but we're actually a pretty good example of this concept. We've rarely had problems for the 4 months that we've been together and out of those problems, we can't remember any and if we've been hurt, we make it a point to fix it immediately so that we don't have to see our best friend suffer. It's fun being in a relationship like this because you can mess with each other, hang out, and talk about things that boyfriend and girlfriend don't typically talk about.
Basically, I love the relationship that I'm in and I'm excited for the future that may come as a result of the choices we've made now. We'll see what happens when all's said and done. Typically, my best-friendships don't last forever but I'm hoping this guy sticks around regardless of if we stay in a relationship or not. So much so that we've agreed to always be there for each other even if things don't work out the way that we expect. I intend to keep that promise because that's what best friends do.
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