. I prayed for help for her, and if he couldn't save her... for me to be able to cope with losing her.

Finding out he was actually coming, I went out and waited for James' comfort. As he pulled up, I walked over to his camo-colored truck, and threw my arms around him and hugged him tight as tears fell down from my eyes. He pulled me closer to comfort me. I kept thanking him, constantly for being there for me. It reminded me of old times, when we would quote what we thought to be our song. "Count on Me" by Bruno Mars, and how it still all rings true. In reality, I didn't actually think he would come because he used to say that he would, and he never ended up being able to... but now that he's actually able to make some of his own decisions... I can see that he really does care. It goes to show how very real our friendship really is. I'm proud to call Jay my best friend, best bro, and my inspiration. I look up to him so much, and even more so considering he dropped everything just to come comfort me.
We went into the vet to go see Penny. Turns out, she even sat up. She was doing so much better, she was breathing okay, and her temperature was finally going up. The vet told my mom he was going to keep her for a while to see what he could do to make her better. Knowing that Cameron was in a drive for Driver's Ed, (right next door) me and Jay decided to wait around for him to show up while my mom went to my grandma's. Jay kept me company, and even stuck around to hang out with me and Cam before he left. You know... because older brothers need to be there for their little sisters, even if we aren't actually related. We talked about random time periods of what happened when, referring to his past relationships like Jat, and Jamlia, and things.
It was nice having Jay and Cam around to help me when I was feeling like crap, even if my dog was doing just fine and in the vet recovering. Jay kept giving me the look like "You and Cam are totes adorbs." It was adorable, honestly. I was actually cheering up, and stopped worrying so much about my poor little princess. Jay eventually left, and me and Cam walked to his apartment talking about our current relationship, me being single, and him wanting me to be his girlfriend still.
Around six, my mom got a call from the vet, while we were on our way to Hastings. Mid-call, she turns to me and says "Penny passed..." Tears filled my eyes, and I started to call Jay. He was in total shock, "Are you seers?" "Yes..." I replied, faintly. After a while of telling him what had actually happened as my mom told me what to say, he told me I didn't seem too torn up about it, and that I sounded fine... and I replied that it was going to hit me in like two seconds. Pulling into the parking lot, I told him that I had to go, and he told me that I could count on him, and we said goodbye.
In Hastings, I tried so hard not to let the emotions get to me, I got my "+" album from Ed Sheeran, we bought some weird Rainbow Dash soda, and two magazines that had one of our poodles that we sold to a band member of the Wanted. (which is totally awesome, btw.) After getting in the car, and listening to the second track on +, entitled "Drunk" I burst out into tears.
All by myself
I'm here again
All by myself
You know I'll never change
All by myself
All by myself
I texted Jay, knowing that he'd understand how I was feeling... He comforted me just by knowing that somebody cared more than anybody else did about me. At that very moment too. Everybody else said stuff like "I'm sorry." and "Oh that's too bad." But Jay dropped everything for me. Isn't that what you'd call a true friend in that situation? He cared. He cared just like she did. I remember sitting at home crying for whatever reason, and Penny would come up to me and lay on her back and expect me to rub her tummy. It always did cheer me up because I knew that she knew that I needed some company. Is it bad to compare someone to your dog? I don't think so...if it's because they feel like family to you. Thank you, Jay. It means the world to me that you helped me when I was in desperate need of somebody who cared and understood as much as you did.
You can count on me like 1 2 3
I'll be there And I know when I need it
I can count on you like 4 3 2
And you'll be there
Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah
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