Finally, something that I like to do added with actually getting paid and being able to pay for my own education. I already know I'm going to be a starving college student up on campus. Hopefully I'll get some help from my mother. Hopefully I get enough customers to help me through my first year of college.
In other news, my makeshift closet collapsed/broke and I have nowhere to put my clothes. That makes me kind of excited to move out because I'll have a real closet! I'm just hoping that I end up with a real closet here at my mom's before it's time for me to move out.
Adulting is hard so far. You kids who are going back to school this month are kind of lucky. Maybe I'll like it more when I start getting the hang of it. Schoolwise, I may be more lucky. I have classes from around 8 to 2 every day and then I get to spend the rest of the day how I'd like. Probably doing laundry or something, but the difference is: I have to pay for everything.
On the bright side, I have a free class in Rigby every Thursday night. I'll still be coming to Rigby for Institute. I'll carpool with my friends. Maybe I can set up some other day where I can come home to spend time with my mom and switch out some of my clothes on some other day of the week. I should probably set up some times to hang out with my boyfriend before he leaves on his mission, too.

College is going to be tough. I'm going up there with hardly any friends. The friends I do have won't even be roommates or sharing a major with me or even having the same semester-track. Hopefully I'll be good at making friends up there.
Lately I've been having some self-esteem problems. In the back of my head, I feel like somebody started a rumor or something about me because I went to go see one of my choir friends open up their mission call, and everybody there except for that friend, ignored me and wouldn't talk to me at all. I thought that these choir people were my friends. But now that we're graduated, it doesn't seem to matter. I don't seem to matter to them. I don't know what's going on, all I can do is try to stay positive, despite the fallen friendships I may have. All I can say is that I know where some of my friends' loyalties lie.
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