Alright, so since I've gone through my first three days of school now, I thought I'd speak my thoughts about what it's like to be a Junior or just be back in school again.

Being a junior has been super interesting so far. Interesting because I find myself feeling a lot more independent than I was last year. I mean... last year, I felt like I couldn't go ANYWHERE without a friend or a guy of some sort walking me around. This year, I've just done whatever
I want to do. At first, I knew I had to figure out what friends were there at what lunch, and what class and what route I had to take to meet whoever I wanted to meet. But, as these past three days have rolled on, I find myself taking a random route, and hanging out with multiple different friends at the high school, and not relying on really
any friend to make
me happy!
Now... The real question is...
Am I happy? Heck to the Yeah! I don't feel "stuck-in-a-rut" like last year, and the year before that, and the year before that. I feel free to do whatever I want, and be myself even when I may be around people that I may dislike. When I'm
uncomfortable, I
change that. I'm learning how to be more
self-reliant. Maybe it doesn't seem like I'm any more self-reliant to those around me, but I'm discovering it more in myself.
Classes... Isn't that what being in school is all about? The pounding questions that you always find asking yourself.
Is it going to be hard? Will I have or make any friends? Will I like the teacher? Oh boy, oh boy, that was exactly what was going through my head as I marched along to each of my classes.
Trigonometry, a
classroom that I've actually had before... with a
teacher I've had before... but was I going to have
any friends? The answer to that lovely question is heck to the yes! As I suspected, I had plenty of-- wait... no I didn't. I had literally TWO people that were my friends in that class. Anyways.. at least I had somebody! Maddie and Braxton. But Maddie was clear across the room! Oh well.. I always find myself being
me in Muir's classroom because she's not afraid to be herself and tease us all! So that class isn't much of a problem. Besides the
overwhelming amount of homework.
Advisory, a class that I hoped
never came back but came back anyways. I never really saw the point of this class considering that I've
always been on top of my school work and been able to keep myself out of trouble. I don't see why the only way we can get kids to stop misbehaving is to reward them for doing what they're supposed to be doing. I mean, I think it's a good idea for the bad kids, but apparently we're going to have assignments in Advisory now... Which I think is totally lame because isn't advisory supposed to be about catching up in your other studies? But no, they give us
more school work, and not just
school work but
Chemistry, a classroom that I had to ask about, and a teacher that I hadn't heard anything about. Naturally, I was
nervous as to what I would act like in that class considering my ex and his girlfriend were in that class too. Not knowing if I would have any
other friends in that class, I sat behind Dawson considering we were friends, but you know... I got ignored, and felt
totally unwelcome. Dane, entering the room, sits by all of us, and is shortly followed by Jared Antis. We check out books and so forth, and by the second day, I knew where to sit because I felt so
unwelcomed by the group of people, I sat in the back and Jared came and sat next to me, which he didn't mind because we were sitting next to his
other friend, Daniel. Dane, Linsey, and Dawson made their group of three their lab group. Because I had sat by Jared, and his other friend, Daniel, I was included in their lab group too. Trying to be friendly, I'd shoot smiles at anybody who happened to be glancing at me to show that I meant no harm, and that I was just at school to have some fun and further my knowledge.
Chambers, the main class I was worried about because I
loved Burrows, and I wasn't sure how Rasmussen would control the class in general. Meanwhile, I had kinda sorta forgotten that Dawson just happened to be in that class too, and that he was wanting to
switch out because he's 'not interested in choir anymore.' Worried that that was going to happen, I constantly kept trying to see how he was taking it all in, and digesting that he was in choir, and all of us were having fun. I was trying to make sure that he was in spite of not wanting to lose a member... but I'm not completely sure it worked. I eventually gave up on him by the third day, considering he'd glare at me... But... I made myself happy! Even if it meant that I had to be a little cocky, but hey! Fake it till you make it! I had tons of fun with James, Krista, Madi Dunn, Maddie, and Janae, and everyone else in choir! I had tons and tons of fun in Chambers. Mr Ras is actually a pretty amazing teacher! He still makes choir fun! Even if he doesn't have Burrows' same charm. #StillLovinChoir
US History, another class that I was kind of worried about, but not teacher-wise...
grade-wise. I kind of convinced myself that I'm not all that good in History in general, so going into this class I was nervous. Of course, I walk in and I see my friends! We've got Keely, Dakota, Braxton, and Jared! Thank gosh! Finally a class where I can be myself...
especially since we've got Keely! Oh man, but
my confidence turned to worry quickly. We took a pre-test and I swear, that thing was
difficult. I wouldn't be surprised if I got almost every answer wrong. The only question I was super sure of in the entire pre-test was the one that asked when
Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue.. 1492! Duh! Anyways, after that pre-test, we ended up getting a seating chart-- a completely RANDOM seating chart. We drew cards! And the cards were randomly distributed across the classroom and your card had to match your desk. So
lo and behold, I was separated by pretty much
all of my friends. Jared was still on the same side as me, but a while over to where I probably wouldn't be able to catch his attention. Braxton was in the
opposite corner trying to get my attention and trying to make me get on my phone and text him. Keely was
across from me, but she was 3rd in her row, and I was second. Dakota, was a couple rows over from me but he was in the front, so it was easy to try to communicate with him. As class went on, it was easy to get bored and more bored of all that was happening. Hopefully, I can find a way to make that class
more fun for me.
English, a class that I wasn't too worried about considering I love to blog, and blogging is tied in with writing. However, I knew that the teacher was gonna be pretty cool due to the fact that
James and Mrs. Cheret are like... best buddies. Friends? Oh heck yes! I knew Linsey, I knew Courtney, and my buddies were Ryan, Tyler, and Kenzyl. Sweet! I actually have some friends in this class. Even after the seating chart, me and Tyler were still right next to each other so I wasn't worried at all! Except for the fact that... I
knew that Cheret was not going to like our class. We had jocks that wouldn't shut their faces, and I even let her know that in the letter she had us write to her. I told her that that was my only concern considering they take
all the attention off of the subject of English. I've never really gotten along with
football players considering they always think they're all that and that everybody loves them and that the class is all about them
screwing around and
messing with the teacher. Anyways, she tried to separate them as best as she could, but you know... Football players, or at least the ones that are in my class attract attention no matter where they sit and disrupt the class just the same when they're
not sitting by each other. Anyways, other than the dumb popular kids, Cheret's class is kind of fun.