Krista and I had gotten on the subject of how Dawson and Gavin became blood brothers. We both then told each other that we were NEVER going to do that. We both agreed that it was incredibly stupid to do. Then again, they are both boys..of course they would totally do it. Krista was telling me about how Gavin was making her feel even more insecure, I guess you could say, about her life because he kept saying that she needed to tell him what was wrong, even though she, herself, didn't want to. That's never fair...I would never tell anybody about my problems if I seriously didn't want them to know. If one of your friends is upset about something, please look about how they might feel about it, and respect their privacy even though you'd love to help them out. Telling them that you are there for them is helpful, but it's hard for them to accept that help when they are already hurt by somebody pressuring them to tell them their problems.
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See how the purple ribbon curls? Yeah..That's called a Rarity. |
Before we had to drop Krista off, Marlee came up to us and we all started talking about the whole "Dawson's a Douche bag" situation. At this point, Dawson has completely agreed with everyone that he was being a douche bag. We basically gave Krista more details on why Marlee was so mad, and then we started talking about The Princess Bride. Their two impressions were so funny about "Mawwiage." It broke the tension of the whole "Douche bag" situaion, or as Krista would call it, sitchiation(No u, for those people who can't spell anyways.).
After dropping Krista off, Dawson and I started talking over the phone, and after a while, Dawson found Amazing Grace on YouTube, not just any version of Amazing Grace, but the version that was played at his father's funeral. Dawson, like I would do, started crying over his dead father. It was hard for me, but I stayed on the phone as long as I could, as I heard some devastating things that I didn't really know about him before, and about the connection he had with his dad. I heard him keep saying "Why?" over the phone while he was in what I would consider full-blown tears. He told me about how the paramedics had to pry him off of his father. It made me think..would I do that if my mother died? When I started trying to walk in his footsteps with the whole situation that he was in, I began to cry with him, and share, in some form, what he was feeling inside. Since it was getting close to 11:30, at one point, I texted my step-dad saying that Dawson needed me and that I couldn't just hang up on him at a time like this. My step-dad said it was okay, so Dawson and I stayed on the phone, and eventually started having happier conversations, and he said I sounded like I was about to cry, and I told him I was fine, but told him I was in pain, even though it was just a headache. Even though it was just a headache, he still cared, and wanted to help me out. I decided to sleep downstairs so that I wouldn't end up bothering my parents with Dawson and I's conversations. Trying to make each other happy, we kept talking, and he kept making me laugh, and my laugh made him happy because apparently it was adorable. Even though, I have like a million different laughs, my tired one is the most adorable one. Knowing we were both bound to fall asleep soon, we decided to hang up, and call it a night.
"Lil" Shout-Out of the Day:
Krista: We totally need to hang out more this Summer. I had so much fun with you, and we didn't even get bored of each other! You're such a cool sister, and I hope that you have fun in Idaho Falls. Invite me over sometime, or maybe I'll invite you, and we can hang out.
"Epic" Song of the Day: Little of Your Time by Maroon 5
I love each and every one of your blog posts. :D