Dawson and I went outside yesterday, and we were sitting there and I was eating something and he said something in French that I didn't really get, or understand. Turns out, the last word was "moi" which means
me in French. Since
Homecoming is soon at our school, I thought about it while I chewed my food. My eyes widened a bit, and then I processed it, and told him:
Sure! It took
him a bit to process that the
sure was just said for Homecoming. We kissed a little, celebrating the fact that we're going to go together. Of course for us, it wouldn't be a date. We were going to go with the Hyper Peeps, which consists of Drawkah, Jamlia, Mary, and Gabby. Knowing that James had already asked Julia, I decided that I needed to ask the rest of the hyper peeps to go with us. Our plan was complete... Mission, get the Hyper Peeps in one place at one time, was now in action!

Later, the same day, I was waiting for Will to come pick me up from school, and Dawson found a place to sit and we started playing and teasing with each other. At one point, he said "Guess what!" and I said what? expecting him to kiss me or something, and the next thing I know, Dawson licked my cheek like a dog. It was so funny and gross, that I did it back, then after we finish laughing, we kiss... At that
very moment, I felt like he wanted me more than ever before. We made use of all of our inside jokes, and grew closer. I opened up more to him, and
he opened up more to me. You all know that I have trust issues? Yeah, well I trust Dawson completely. When Will pulled up, I had my jacket backwards so I could put my hood over my face, and I had Dawson walk with me to Will's car. It was so funny, and I'm pretty sure that Will was thinking:
What the heck? I was probably walking like I was drunk! We kiss goodbye, and I find myself neglecting text messages because I'm too caught up in my thoughts about him.
Today, I decided to show him my back up plan for if he had never asked, and if it was all up to me. I wrote him a poem, a sappy poem at that. I was shaking a little, and blushing as he stared at me. Here it is:
You'll always be my best friend and my lover.

You're the best song ever, wanna hear the cover?
You're amazing, you've captured my heart.
There's no way we could ever part.
You've been the one right from the start.
Don't ever leave me, I would instantly fall apart.
You're the answer to my prayers, you're the figure in my dreams,
I know now how truly unreal all this seems.
This question's been on my mind, I know that it's kind of stunning.
Take my hand now, shall we go to homecoming?
As I say homecoming, I look up and smile at him, and he looks back for a bit, and I ask him if he will, and he says yes. Of course I already knew the answer, but I was happy to know that he wanted it too. I love Dawson so much, and I was happy that I could tell him, in person, how much he means to me.
LiL Song of the Day: Check Yes Juliet by We The Kings
EPiC Shout-Out of the Day:
Jamlia: Hey guys, I just wanted to say that your picture on Facebook of you two love birds kissing, was fantastic. I'm so happy for you two.
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