-Lil Miss Epic
Yeah, so both my anniversary and homecoming was a dream come true, aside the fact of a few minor details.
Drawkah's Anniversary:
Alright, so here's how it all went down. At the beginning of school, he gave me a Mountain Dew Voltage. He knows that I always love a good Voltage, and so I drank it all within 3 days, because I'm not a huge fan of soda. Anyways, we went on with our lives, until we got to lunch, when basically we were gonna celebrate it because that was one of the only times we get to be with each other, aside from 5 minute breaks. Anyways, we go outside, and walk a little bit, and then we sit down. What I did for Dawson on our anniversary, is I wrote a song meant for him to hear. It included, in the lyrics the names of songs that are in our Drawkah playlist that I gave to him for Christmas. Anyways, he ended up loving it. I had written the song in a time frame of maybe 2 hours, total. It was difficult to write a song that quick, but I'm sure he liked it mostly for the fact that he got to hear me sing about how much I love him. Anyways, it was all just very great for the two of us. However, our anniversary was not only about Drawkah.
The day was about the Homecoming game here at our new high school! Nearly everybody was wanting to go to it! It was very exciting and eccentric. In the excitement of the game, after the parade, we walked around town a bit, and ran into none other than, Jamlia! In case you didn't know, but Jamlia is the lovely couple known as James & Julia. James, the owner of The Daily Tower, looked so happy to be with her, and Dawson and I could tell that she felt the same.
Anyways, Reino, my step-dad, eventually comes to pick me up, and gives me some money to spend on the game if Dawson ends up not paying. Him and I basically talk about responsibility and how much he actually trusts me. It was so amazing that he just flat-out TRUSTS me. He told me all of the things that I wouldn't be allowed to do if he thought I wasn't responsible and he didn't trust me. It was then that i realized, I have a lot of freedom in my life! I began to be very thankful of all the things my parents have done to bring me up the way they did, and have been doing. I've become a very responsible young woman that they can be proud of. I love all my parents, and have a lot of respect for each one of them. To them, I'd love to flat-out say Thanks.
So, Reino drops me off at the high-school so that I can be with my friends again, and we all pretty much hang out. James' mom comes in, and then I start to freak out, knowing that she doesn't like me or Julia at all. I felt SO bad for her! It almost was like James' mom was hovering over him at every second in time! I don't blame his mom all that much though. After all, James is the youngest, and the baby of the family, and he deserves to get all that motherly protection. James comes over to talk to Julia, and she, being sad about his mother not liking her, basically says Go away to James. Hurt by what she said, he walks away, and Dawson and I make a connection through eye contact that he'll talk to James, and I'll talk to Julia. All me and Julia basically talked about was the fact that his mom was super protective. When I say protective, I mean SUPER. I remember that the reason Jakeah(James&Me) broke up was because his family doesn't like me. I told her my experience with his family, and we established that we could totally relate. With Dawson and James, all that was established was that Julia cares and that she was there to help, and that James didn't even want to talk at that moment. Telling Julia to go, Dawson and I sat there waiting for them to make-up, and discussing what would happen if they didn't. I had to go over to her, and hug her because I saw her crying in a corner, and then she went up the stairs to talk to him, as he sat with another girl talking. They both looked sad as Dawson and I climbed the stairs.
It was weird... We noticed Chelsea(The Scootalooser) and this other guy, Louie were holding hands a day or two after Chelsea had just become single. Of course, she was the one who broke it off, but she was going around bragging that she was "#livinthesinglelife" Anyways, I sat with them a bit, and when we all went downstairs I remembered the twentieth of twenty-twelve. Chelsea had gone up to Dawson, and said "Do me a favor, and kiss Bek." Then, running over to me, she said "Do me a favor, and kiss Dawson." In high hopes of accomplishment, I run to Louie, and whisper "Do me a favor, and kiss Chelsea." as he blushes. I run over to Chelsea, and whisper "Do me a favor, and kiss Louie" and out loud, she says "okay" and I just laugh. Louie comes up to me basically saying he needs mints, and so he gets the keys from Chelsea, goes the wrong way, comes back out the other door, and discovers Chelsea ATE all the mints. Anyways, they both end up kissing. I won't say her opinion on it, because I'm sworn to secrecy, and it's her story to tell. Let's just say that it was her first kiss.
Looking over at Jamlia, I realize that James is gone, and when he finally walks in, I run up to give him a hug, and as I'm hugging him, he looks broken down... He had just talked to his mother, and it looked like things weren't going so well. He had that same look in his eye, the look that said "I have to break up with her." The same look that he gave me when he pulled me aside to explain that his parents were forcing him to dump me. I didn't know what to do, as he went over to her, and they just sat there, speaking with words that we all couldn't hear. Drawkah fell to the floor, just sitting, and looking at what all had just happened. On one side, we had Jamlia, with the possibility of coming to an end. On the other side, we had Lousea coming to a start. Trying to make the best of things, I basically tell Louie to ask out Chelsea, and he got all sweaty. I told him to go wash off the sweat so that he could feel comfortable asking. I never really saw them together after that, but all I know is that their happy beginning has just started, and they're now a couple. I never really found out exactly what happened that day with Jamlia, other than they are still together. Hopefully, TDT will fill us in with that information, or else it's just better not to know.
Anyway, we get to the game, and Rigby won against Skyline. We literally beat the crap out of them. Within the last 8 minutes of the 4th quarter, me and Dawson decided to leave the field before it got too crowded. Overall, the game was just kinda... boring. Drawkah doesn't even like sports, but we just went cuz we thought we could spend some more time together on our 1 year anniversary. We kissed goodbye, and then I went home to get rest for the next day to come.
We had 2 hours to kill before we were going to head over for the dance. I complimented him, and Reino suggested us watching a movie. I thought for a second, and then suggested Aladdin Aladdin being my top Disney favorite, and on my bucket list to watch with my lover. We got it to play on the Blu-Ray player. I wanted him to give me his phone so that we could put it on the charger. I gave him my phone, and said "Here, this is what you can use if you still want to text Gav." I was so pleased by his response, he said that he was sorry for what he did to me earlier that day, and that he should've just taken that time to spend with me instead, and that he won't text when he's with me. Because of that, and it was Aladdin, I was so happy throughout the entire movie. We both loved watching Aladdin with each other. It was so fun! It was probably one of my highlights of the entire night. It was awesome! We took pictures, and then decided to go to that dance.
When Dawson and I got there, we noticed how well of a job they did decorating it. They had a red carpet, and stars on the ground, because after all, the theme was Hollywood! Not a lot of people came because it was $20 a ticket for couples, and it was too expensive for most people. Drawkah met up with Jamlia, who looked lively and well, and we danced whenever music came on, and had a great time. We heard that Sienna was getting her pictures taken, and we ran over to see her come out of the band room. She looked MARVELOUS. Her hair was now maroon and her dress was matching, she was so pretty! It was probably my second favorite part of the night. Definitely a highlight. She was probably the prettiest one there, and I'm sure others would agree.
Sienna was probably the most important person at that dance. She was there taking pictures of everyone having fun! Let me tell you, it was so inspiring to see her taking pictures of all these people and their date, and saying that she had THE BEST TIME. If Sienna weren't there, a lot of the amazing things that happened that night, with pictures to prove it, wouldn't be here to remember. So, I'd just like to say, Sienna is AMAZING. I love her! Thanks for all the fun!
Pictures!! Pictures played a major role in this entire night of fun!! So, here! Have fun looking!

"Lil" Song of the Days: Rarity's Big Night Mashup
"EPiC" Shout-Outs of the Days:
My parents:
Sienna was probably the most important person at that dance. She was there taking pictures of everyone having fun! Let me tell you, it was so inspiring to see her taking pictures of all these people and their date, and saying that she had THE BEST TIME. If Sienna weren't there, a lot of the amazing things that happened that night, with pictures to prove it, wouldn't be here to remember. So, I'd just like to say, Sienna is AMAZING. I love her! Thanks for all the fun!
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