Anyways, yeah. It's been great lately. Driver's Ed, yeah... That's going okay too. I just had my first drive today, so look out, Bek's on the road! I'm not all that confident with driving, I'm really paranoid and scared about doing it because there's all these things that you have to do, and it freaks me out. My days since Driver's Ed started on Monday this week have been really long. That's okay as long as I'm getting things done, though. I hardly have any free time, but when I do have free time, I'm just trying to relax, as best I can. Speaking of which, I need to hop on that finale of Big Brother! I have a lot of stuff to do, and to keep me occupied. Looks like I'm not going to be bored for a while!

Anyway, yesterday was Superhero day and I went as Link, and Dawson thought I looked great, and so did a lot of other people. Here, have a looksie! I had so much fun!
"LiL" Song of the Day: Popular Song by Ariana Grande
"EPiC" Shout-Out of the Day:
TDT: Hey, sister site! We're gonna do a combined blogpost on Homecoming and stuff, and I'm gonna add deets about my life as well, hope you do the same. If you do, I'll "link" your blog to mine on that Homecoming post!
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