Saturday, August 8, 2015

Trials and Trails

As we go throughout our trials in our everyday lives, there are many things we tend to overlook. We overlook how we feel about the situation. We ignore how others feel about the situation. We don't see that others are there for us in the situation. Instead, we think on how terrible life is and look at the darkness in the world rather than counting our own blessings and igniting our light of hope and faith that things will be okay.

It can get hard sometimes. But isn't that what makes us feel alive? Trials give us the chance to think upon the ways that we are blessed in our lives. Earlier this week, we went on a hike for Girl's Camp. One of the girls in our Stake, found a little note on the trail saying that hard times give us a chance to see God's influence in our lives. It was almost like a miracle for us girls that were having a hard time getting up the hill.

When you get a message like that, or someone's hand in your life to pull you up that big hill, that big trial or trail (from a hiking standpoint) doesn't seem as scary. Stop looking straight ahead like that, and look to the side and see who's right there beside you instead. Sometimes when you're focused on helping others get up their own hill, you forget that you're having trouble getting over that same obstacle.

Have a friend that's having trouble getting over that big mountain over there? Grab their hand and pull them up, it will seem a whole lot less scary with you by their side. Are you having issues climbing into safety? Don't be afraid to ask for help. True friends would be happy to pull you up out of danger and fear.

Something as simple as a prompting to ask for help, help, or recognize the help we are receiving can change lives. If you save someone, you save generations because of the influence they will have on other people. If you feel prompted to help, do not hesitate.

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