Friday, October 23, 2015

Recovering My Recovery

Since that last accident, I have become more prone to damaging my self-image. I seem to have forgotten all of that "I am Diamonds" stuff from "Turn Around, Bright Eyes" last year. Instead of urging myself on to recovery, I've been looking at how I haven't recovered yet after months of being injured from these car accidents.

I miss my life before those car accidents. Quite honestly, I took it all for granted. One second you can live your life the way you want it, and the next you're having to go to the chiropractor three times a week. Amidst all of this chaos, I've forgotten what drives me. The Law of Attraction.

If I believe I can recover, I will recover. However, if I concentrate on how I'm not making progress recovering, it will stay that way. I haven't been myself at all for the past month. I stopped caring so much about school, so every class I went to was really boring. I made up excuses as to why I couldn't go to church, mutual, or even hang out with friends. All because I felt like crap and wasn't recovering.

I haven't been getting any better, and that has tricked my mind into thinking that I'm not recovering. If I believe that I am, I will. I guess it's kind of like a fake it until you make it kind of thing. But since I haven't been able to recover, I had been damaging my self-image by believing that I am weak and incapable and inadequate.

Tuesday, it got out of hand. I went outside while it was raining for some peace and quiet so I could kneel down and pray about how I felt. I asked Heavenly Father to help me not feel so inadequate. Anything would do at that point. Getting up off of my knees, I went inside and laid down on my bed. While laying there, I remembered my friend Tyler.

Earlier that day, Tyler had noticed that I looked upset and so we went to Broulim's and bought a bunch of candy and sat in my driveway and talked about what was bothering me. She cared, and that meant a lot. Then, I remembered that Rachel was going to come pick me up for mutual. She cared enough that she wanted me to come. I wasn't too inadequate to be friends with these wonderful girls.

I got off my bed and went upstairs, ready to greet Rachel, for whenever she showed up at my house. I got in the car and we all laughed and had a great time at mutual. Afterwards, Rachel came over to my house and we watched Corpse Bride. It meant a lot that she actually wanted to spend time with me, even at my worst.

After Rachel left, I went downstairs to read my scriptures, and throughout my scripture study I was reminded that God always cares about us, no matter the circumstance. We are not inadequate. Not to God. With that knowledge, God is on my side and there's nothing that I can't recover from with his help.

1 comment:

  1. Me wuv wu twoo Bek! :D (haha I feel so famous.....keep being awesome!)
