Monday, November 30, 2015

Living in Thankfulness

Sometimes we tend to take for granted the blessings that we have in our day to day lives. This past week was Thanksgiving and helped me reflect a little more on that. On the 25th (the day before Thanksgiving,) I invited Tyler over to watch this documentary with me. It's called "Living on One Dollar." These boys go to live in Guatemala for around 8 months and live on one dollar a day. It's interesting trying to get a perspective on what these people living in poverty have to go through every day of their lives.

Everyday, we've taken for granted wonderful blessings such as: health, food, water, shelter, and where has that gotten us? Instead of being thankful for what we have, we end up complaining for what we don't have. Yet the people in poverty have all of the right to be sad and depressed and complaining, but since they have little, they expect little. But since we have much, we expect much.

Going into this Christmas season, I challenge you all not to take what you learned from Thanksgiving and forget it, but actually apply it to your lives. What are you truly thankful for in your life? If it's somebody you know, tell them! If it's an item, try to live a day without it like the boys in Guatemala did.

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