Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Get A Grip, Future Girl

It's that time. It's the time that I need to move on. To grow up. To spread my wings and fly flat on my face!

As you can probably guess from the picture on this post, I recently got accepted to Brigham Young University-Idaho. A few months ago, I also got accepted to Idaho State University. Now's the time that I need to buckle down and choose. Where do I want to spend my college life? BYU-I or ISU?

In the end, it doesn't really matter where I get my degree. As long as I get a degree, that's all that actually matters. However, I'm spending years at whatever college I go to. This decision should count for something. And it will.

But wow. My life will be flipped upside down once May comes around and I graduate. I'll be spending life somewhere other than here in little Rigby. Growing up is hard, but I know that I'll get a grip on it sometime an come to terms with my inevitable future.

The important part of this all is that the people who actually care will stick with me through all of these transitions and hardships. The people who don't care will eventually fade out, like they always do.

Life is a constant cycle of people coming in and out of your life. Nobody is guaranteed to stay inside your life. The tide of fate could pull them away at any point. Life could pull them in a different direction than they thought they were going. For example, I have this really good friend: Krista. She thought she was going to go to BYU-I and then become a nurse. You want to know what she's going to do now? She's a future sailor for the US Navy! Her field? Electronics... See? Complete opposite direction. Unexpected, too.

Even though now we may say that we love something dearly and that we'll never let go, have we in the past? Think back five years. Where did you think that you'd be now back in 2011? Are those same people that you said you wouldn't let go of still around? For me, those people are gone. It was all a part of life though. I chose the direction my waves would roll, and those people around me that I thought were so important have been washed out of my life. Others are still there, but just not as close as they were five years ago.

Nothing is permanent. It's really hard to determine where you'll be five years from now. Especially when you're out of school. You're basically thinking through all of the possible decisions that you're making within the next five years and predicting the outcome. That's easily over a million decisions. A lot of those decisions could affect you greatly on where you'll end up.

So think... Where do you really see yourself in five years? Will your friends that you have now continue to be there by your side or can you see them fading away? What can you do to be better now so that your life in five years is even better?

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