Friday, February 21, 2014

Valentine's Day 2014

Warning: This post is all about DAWSON DAWSON DAWSON!

Valentine's Day with Dawson this year was so... sweet! Sweeter than chocolate even though he got me some of that chocolate. Originally, the plan was for him to come over and just sit around lazy all day and cuddle and watch Transformers. I was totally astounded when I saw him carrying in a bunch of stuff from his car. When Reino opened the door for him, he came in with something wrapped in a big ol' blanket and he had a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolate with ribbon tied around it and a key that came with it.

As you can see, what I got I thought to be very special! When he took the blanket off of the other item I found that it was a big TEDDY BEAR!! It's so cute in every way wit a tan skin and a big brown nose and cuddly inside and out! SO awesome!!

I'd love to thank Dawson by giving him a little shoutout in here... well not little, but BIG for my little man. <3 Thanks, babe.

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