Wednesday, December 10, 2014

To The Moon And Back

What makes somebody your best friend... or even your 'bestie?' For me, there's several contributing factors. Currently, I don't consider everyone I talk to as my best friend. There's a few select people that I'd pick out above the rest. However, I can't 'put all my eggs in one basket' like I used to because I know it'll hurt when the friendship comes to an end. What's with friendships anyways?

A best friendship is essential in everyone's life at some point or another because I don't think anyone should have to stand alone while going through their own personal challenges. It's always nice when you can talk to somebody about your problems and share experiences in hopes to make each other better in the end. However, not everybody's paths of life match up so you can't always expect these types of friendships to last.

A true friendship is a friendship that in my eyes will never have an actual point in ending, so it doesn't unless it "fades" away. Whenever this pair or group of friends fight, it always ends in apologies and ends because of how strong the friendship is on all sides. I, personally, have several true friendships in my life. For example, when me and Sienna fight, it may get extreme, but we always end up hugging it out because our friendship means the world to us. The reason this happens is because both sides of the friendship see no more point in fighting and decide to resolve it all. I always end up praying that these friendships will last forever because of the joy that they bring into my life.

When a friendship ends, sometimes you end up feeling like a fool for believing that the friendship was true. But don't worry, that's normal, I know that I feel like that every time that I lose someone that I considered close or even true. But believe me when I say that it will happen in your life. If not once, than you may be getting lied to.

Sometimes there comes a time in life where you have to accept and let go of a friendship or a best friendship because your friend decides that you are 'no longer needed' for whatever reason. I won't call these ex-friends jerks because there's a clear reason why they can't be your friend anymore. To put it simplest, your paths no longer match up and you have grown apart, or rather they ditched you to be in a relationship with someone that probably won't last anyways. The easiest way to accept this, in my own experience, is to rely upon your other friends. 

If you don't have any other friends, go out and make some. I can't tell you how many times random strangers and I have communicated and became friends. Heck, even ask Keely Keele. I remember getting onto the bus on September 20, 2012, a little bit before Dawson and I got together, during my Freshman year and sitting next to her and just starting a conversation with "You know what I hate? When people whisper across the classroom!" Making friends is easy, you just have to make sure you're open to it and that they are too. Heck, I made friends with Kiley and her brother over something as simple as a Tootsie Pop!

One of the biggest things that me and my close friends do together is give each other nicknames and tell each other that we love each other and even sleep in the same bed during sleepovers. But hey, that's totally normal, right? Sienna came over about two weeks ago and we laid in my bed and watched Peter Pan and at one point we posted a Snap Chat to her story of me "cuddling" with her. We ended up texting people that night and talking about drama and even changing the names in my contacts. Now, in my phone, Sienna is Pimp, Kiley is Bae, and Gabby is Sexy Latina Teacha. Even back in the eighth grade, me and my friend Mary were planning on having a fake wedding for our friendship family. 

Guess you can't have super close friendships with your friends
 without loving them to the moon and back.

Song of the Day: Always For You by The Lighthouse and The Whaler

Post Dedication: James
You are amazing, and are a very close and important friend to me. I know that at some point we will all have to go our separate paths, but I really hope that we will be able to keep in touch and keep our true friendship, you guessed it... true.

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