Thursday, January 2, 2014

Kicking Off 2014

New Year's Eve. The last of 2013 as it was. I decided to invite a few friends over, but Sienna ended up not coming because I told her she could go to her other friend's birthday party instead because that party didn't have many guests. Anyways, I had Mary and Dawson come over and party with me. We watched Equestria Girls and played Cards Against Humanity, and let me tell you. That night was the most fun I've had in a long time. And to top off 2013, Dawson and I actually kissed at midnight. It was perfect.

Mary. Mary is possibly one of my best friends when we DO hang out. I love to hang out with her, and she's just a really fun person to be around. Seeing as how she laughs at all of my jokes and laughs at nearly everything with me, she's just... a PERFECT funny friend to be with!

Dawson. You all know about him, I talk about him non-stop. But lemme tell ya, I don't think I've seen this kid laugh so much at "Cards Against Humanity." All of our cards combined were some pretty weird things. It was funny! I realized he can pick out anything that sounds like something I would say, and he's pretty much right! He always had some of the funniest responses to my black cards. For example, I would ask: "What ended my last relationship?" and he'd answer: "Men." He really does crack me up.

Combined, Mary and Dawson are two of my favorite people to hang around with. That night was really fun, and I don't think I could have asked for more. Thank you both for making me so happy, and kicking off 2014 to a great start! More parties with these two? Sounds like the way I want to live 2014.

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