Sunday, October 12, 2014

Make An Adjustment

My life has changed so much already since I've started initiating my change! Not only have others reached out and included me in their friend-groups, but I'm starting to humble myself in helping and complimenting and strengthening my bonds with my close friends. Teenage years, to many, are the hardest years. But, what does a true friend do? Even though you may be going through a dark time now, you are still able to help those around you to lift them up so that they may help you do the same.
What do I need to be happy? The obvious answer is-- my religion, my family, and my friends.

I know that if we can put all of our effort into our three needs, our happiness will dramatically increase. Maybe it's just the law-of-attraction speaking, but hey. amen!

Recently, I was included in an amazing moment. My friend, Jared, invited me with him and his group of friends to go see "Meet the Mormons," a documentary about what we believe in, and the activities we do. At first, I was a bit skeptical in thinking that since it was a documentary, it would be really boring. Boy, was I wrong. The theater was laughing, crying, and just going through all sorts of emotions. I felt the spirit-- in a movie theater of all places! I totally recommend this movie, especially if you're looking into the gospel, or even looking to reaffirm your faith. It tells an amazing story about the lives of 6 latter-day-saints. It was amazing, and made me want to do more in the world.

Service! It's amazing, you guys. Even just commenting on somebody's Facebook status by telling them that they are beautiful can absolutely make their day. After all, it's not every day that I get called beautiful--especially since I'm single. Relationship statuses aside, I know in my heart that I don't need a man to be happy. All I need to know is that I'm a beautiful daughter of God, and I surround myself with people who see me as that, and so it's easy to "play the part." And you know what they say, be the character. But to be the character, you  have to change your life, and make adjustments to what you want to be seen as by other people. How can you adjust your life?

Adjust how you view yourself, and how others perceive you. Start becoming more thankful for all of the blessings that you already have. Find something reliable and solid to put your faith and trust in. For me, this is the gospel, and my family. Sure, friends are able to help you too, but they aren't always available. However, Christ and your family are always available to help. Become aware of your surroundings, stand in holy places and places you feel comfortable to grow and become a better person.

Playing the part, isn't always as easy as it may sound. Even I'm having a hard time adjusting to my changes, but that's why you need to surround yourself with the good in the world, and the things that you love. If we're always looking at the bad things in life, how can we find time to be grateful for all the things that we are given? How can we find something reliable if we, ourselves, are not? How can we become a better person in a sea of darkness? Make an adjustment, change something in your lives, and start by doing something for somebody else. How undeniably selfish it is of us to just sit around and complain about our lives, when there are magnificent people out there that are willing to help. You can be that person, that rock, for your friends and family, and make them want to reach up and be better people.

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