Sunday, November 2, 2014

Influential Inspiration

We all have those moments where we sit by ourselves and just want to lay around and cry because of how 'unblessed' we feel, even though we know in the back of our minds that our lives probably couldn't be any better than they are now. But the truth is-- we totally are blessed. Heck, when you think about it, we're way more blessed than we think we are.

How terrible it is of us to sit here and expect love from others when we aren't giving love to them. How do you expect somebody to treat you with respect, when you don't have the decency to treat them the same? How can we expect somebody to accept us for who we are, when we're always judging those around us for who they are? It's questions like these that make us step back and think about what we're doing to build or demolish the lives of the people around us. But why do we ask others and ourselves these seemingly pointless questions if we don't expect change out of ourselves?

Waiting for change to happen is like sitting in a dark room waiting for somebody to flip the switch. Why sit around and wait for it to happen, when you could get up off of your butt and make your life brighter. If you want the change, then make that change. However, if you(like me) have started to make that change and are loving all the blessings you receive because of it, keep at it! You can't expect the blessings to keep coming and coming if you stop working for it. Life isn't going to just do itself for you, you have to do life! If you want somebody to change-- it's their choice. Just know that we still have to be that example, that shining light, for those who we know can do so much better.

Have somebody you know that needs to fix their life and get back on the right track? Be that example for them, fix something that you need to fix, to help motivate and inspire them to fix their life. It really isn't all that hard to inspire those around you. Believe it or not, people younger than you are looking up to you to see what is normal or what they can do to contribute and become more responsible and self-reliant, or just learn from your bad example. Even those older than you may look up at you and tell themselves that they need to be better, or they could just complain about how kids have changed these days. Trust me when I say that your peers and people your own age look at you and think, (whether they realize it or not) "What can I do to be more like them?" or even "Wow, what they're doing is totally not right, I'm glad I'm not them." 

Your thoughts, your actions, even what you say can influence somebody around you so much in what they're doing in their own lives.

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