Friday, May 30, 2014

For The Summer

Goodbye highschool, goodbye drama... Goodbye Mr. Burrows, Goodbye my fellow students, and goodbye to my most wonderful group of friends. I look forward so much to hanging out with all of them later this Summer, but it still sucks that I won't be able to see them every single day like I do at school. It's amazing what we all can take for granted as we're at school. With deep though I've been able to realize that all those assignments that help us work our way up to the final help us, all our teachers do care whether we pass or not, and our true friends will be there for us no matter what.

Through random things this month like my birthday, and my first two dates, I've had my ups and downs throughout it all... The thing that I'll miss the most? Having somebody to look up to. I know that to some, I may be the inspiration, but... now I've lost all the students/teachers that I look up to the most. Mr. Burrows is gone, Cade Davie, Mariah Harper, Jacee Wright, and all of my other fantabulous seniors are all gone. But on the bright side, I still have those wonderful beautiful people that I can look to that are there right by my side... like Sienna Wareham and Dawson Hammond. Those two really care, and a lot more care about me as well. Those two care about me 24/7, whether or not they think I'm dead from laughing to hard, or from a broken heart.

I have a feeling that this Summer is going to be simply fantastic! I'm very very excited for getting to go swimming, and hanging out with my friends, and seeing some of the new movies that are coming out that look good. Even tonight I'm going out to hang with my friends Tyler Anderson and Sienna Wareham. =D Aren't they just the best? They're taking me out to fast food, and we're gonna go watch a film at Paramount. (we don't know which one yet) I'm so excited! Tonight's gonna be so much fun!

For the Summer, life will come to a screeching halt. But at the same time, we will still be moving.. just very slow because we'll be having too much fun to grow up like we ought to. Isn't Summer amazing? Isn't Summer exciting? <3 Have an amazing Summer, my little inspirations <3 Do What You Desire!

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