Saturday, December 1, 2012

Movie Night Memories

Okay. Let's do a little recap on what happened last night.

I went to Julia's house for a movie night with Dawson, Gabby, and her. I was excited because for one, i get to see my boyfriend outside of school, and the two I get to see my friends! Movie night has always been super fun, but I thought this one would be kinda awkward because Gabby and Julia didn't know Dawson. First off, I'm not even gonna talk about the Avengers. even though we all went over there to watch it, we all got bored. Sure it's a good movie, but we all get super distracted at movie nights so this movie was super super long according to us. When we first went downstairs, we were just sitting around while Julia played Just Dance on the Kinect, but then I realized that Dawson and I were sitting clear across from each other on the opposite sides of the room. Being me, I decided to get up and go sit by him. It was a little awkward at first, but then we coped. A few minutes passed and my hand was on Dawson's. Trying to be funny, I told him: "I'm going to keep staring at you until you do what I want you to do." and then he realized that I wanted him to hold my hand. haha. =) NEXT, we went upstairs and watched some YouTube  TOBUSCUS and Gir were pretty much all we watched... besides two videos of Jenna Marbles and one episode of Teens React! Okay, so I felt a little bit awkward because I had two fold-up chairs behind me pressing into my back, Gabby told me to lean on my boyfriend, but I didn't want to make things awkward and be a clingy girlfriend. So I didn't at first. But then after a couple of minutes I started to, and then I ended up putting my head on his shoulder, and like hugging his arm. haha. I have to admit, he looked like he thought it was all a little bit awkward, so I just held his hand...but then my OTHER arm refused to let go of I ended up hugging his arm like the whole time almost. It was time to go home! Dawson needed a ride, so Reino and I took him. We sat in the car pretty much, and then I was reminded of another time where I gave James a ride home.

(Flashback to way back when: Okay, so we had done this festival thingy for choir, and decided to go eat pizza afterwards while we waited for our parents. I had said goodbye to James and stuff, and then later I found out he still didn't have a ride, so I texted him to come to 5 Buck Pizza and eat with us. So, he did. We ate pizza, and chatted a little bit, and since he needed a ride, I asked if my mom could take him, and she could. So we took him home. It was silent, in the car, and pitch black...I was wondering if that was the moment I would've told him how I truly felt about him, but I decided not to. We got to his house, and he said goodbye, and walked away.)

Flashback at 5 Buck Pizza
Squeezing Dawson's hand tighter, I remembered how James had cheated on me with Julia. I remembered the pain I had felt when I saw him kiss her...but then I scooted closer to Dawson and glanced at him. I thought to myself: I'm over it... I forgive him. We arrived at Dawson's house, and then this commercial came on about like getting an engagement ring and stuff. haha. It said that the guy had better make his move and give her the ring, I laughed and then I hugged Dawson, and then we like backed out, and then stared at each other for a minute and then kissed. I haven't kissed anyone since...maybe March, so this whole kissing thing was still kind of new for me. As he hopped out of the car I thought to myself: holy fetch..I was his first kiss. =) I felt amazing, and then I jumped into the front seat. haha Reino had seen it all in his mirror. He was like: so that was you guys' first kiss, huh? and I was like: yeah. =) The rest of the night I thought about how awesome this experience was. It sure replaces a bad memory with a good memory.


  1. "I'm going to keep staring at you until you do what I want you to do."

    doesnt. sound. right.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
