Wednesday, October 9, 2013


The Scootalooser has constantly lost a bunch of respect from me, but does that mean I hate her with all of my being? No! Of course not! For all the friends that ended up being like her... The friends that are just like Mandi. Sometimes you just have to let go of them, even if they are your friends, because they don't do things that you can be okay with. In retrospect, this is the case. I don't want to be around someone who thinks sex and drugs is okay. I especially don't want that person to be my best friend. Even with multiple interventions, when they don't change, they obviously don't want your help, and I can't be friends with somebody like that... She's gauged her ears! That's not something the Chelsea I know would've done without influence from her new-found friends. Look, I don't know if it's just jealousy or something, but Chelsea is just not the same anymore. She even knows that. They've changed her, and they know it. It's like they changed her into what they wanted in a friend. In my honest opinion, it looks like peer pressure got to her.

Why did the same thing have to happen to me again though? First Mandi, and now Chelsea? The last thing Chelsea wanted was for her to be a Mandi. Every time she made a mistake, she'd come out and say that she was sorry and that she didn't want to be like Mandi. There's more friends out there for me though. Friends that will stick by you, and friends that are phenomonal friends for the moment. I don't hate Chelsea, in fact, I love her. But when I'm not comfortable with her decisions, how can I support them? It's important that I'm there for my friends when they need me, but it seems like she doesn't need me. It seems like she doesn't need me at all anymore.

It's sad... All my friends end up fading away..with the exception of one person. Marlee. I know I don't really mention this incredible girl very much, but she is someone I've known since the days of Primary. Not only was she a friend made in my early years, but she was my very first friend. Oh boy was I lucky when I had found somebody that represents the qualities of a perfect friend all wrapped up together into one. She truly is amazing. It's not just her amazing social skills, it's her magnificent singing, her remarkable wit, and her hilarious comedy that makes her overall 20% cooler. Gimme a like if you know that reference.

There's the one that's like a brother to you...Gavin.
There's the one that's always bound to get a laugh out of you...Mom
There's the one that's rush to you, when you're devastated and out of hope...Sienna

Then there's the one that's always there... The one that you can't even get rid of even if you try. That person for me, as you can probably guess, is Dawson. When I'm sad and nobody can tell, he knows. When I'm crying alone in a dark corner, he knows. Not only does he know, he helps. From a simple "I love you" to a paragraph filled with words inspiring me to look on the bright side, he fills my heart with happiness. Not only does he make me happy, he makes me feel loved. Even though he's my boyfriend, he has all of the qualities I see in a best friend too, besides the kissing parts. Aside from all the beauty in Drawkah, Dawson is an amazing best friend. He's my best friend. He's always there for me even when everyone else has ditched me. He'll always be by my side, regardless of whether I'm right or wrong. He's amazing, but he denies it just to tell me that I'm perfect. He's my best friend.

I'd like to thank all of you that have made this blog possible. Special thanks to The Daily Tower for inspiring me to make this blog. Thank you all for the likes, the follows, and most of all, reading! This is our 100th blog-post so doing this on friendship took a lot of guts because I had to come out and say exactly what I thought about these people. Thank you so much for reading, and let's hope the next hundred are filled with inspiration.

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