Saturday, April 27, 2013

2013 Spring Cleaning

Anybody having dejavu on my blog posts? Haha...this is kind of interesting to watch. The progression on my blog is CRAZY. To think, the first day that I had my blog up, it only had 2 page views because me and James looked at it. =P EMBARRASSMENT! Yeah.. well anyways!

Yesterday night, I decided to relieve some of my current stress and went to Julia's house. (sounding a little bit familiar, if you know what I mean.) We pretty much just sat at the computer up until we got tired and went to bed...which we then just surfed the web...on our tablets. We're so epicly(is that a word?) lazy! Anyways, the next day I think it was Julia's aunt who came over and helped clean the house! We've been cleaning like all morning. I started out on the front porch, where there was leaves and all this dirty crud up on the sidewalk...I kept sweeping and sweeping with Julia until we got it done. (However, we did take a little break to eat some Wendy's food.) After that, me and Julia went inside and went downstairs...all the boxes that used to be stacked up were now GONE. All that crud was going down to D.I.! We filled up the entire truck one time, and then they dropped it off. While Julia's aunt and cousin were gone, we continued to clean downstairs. 

There was this drawer right next to the couch..the one that Dawson and I sit on..I opened it up, and there was a crap load of fetch in that drawer. That drawer looked like it contained NARNIA! Anyways, I'm cleaning out this drawer, and I'm finding jewelry  string, quarters, pennies, a screw driver, a razor, headphones, notepads, dead batteries, a first aid kit, band-aid wrappers, an awkward ring watch thingy, etc. Anyways, after I cleaned out that drawer, all that I put in there were the remotes and a couple of cables. 

After I had finally finished with that, I got a text from my mom basically saying that she'd be there soon. I went up stairs to wait, and then my mom showed up. I said goodbye, and they said thank you and then I left! THAT'S WHEN I REALIZED THAT I'M FREAKING THIRSTY!! Once I got home, I drank some Sunny D...but I'm still pretty thirsty. Oh well...I'll go get some water when I finish up this blog post!

The point of this blog post, you ask? TO SHOW THAT SPRING CLEANING IS FREAKING IMPORTANT!! As my mom always says, "You find things by cleaning"

Song of the Day:  E.T. by Katy Perry
This song talks about Katy Perry's total dedication to someone..preferably an alien. It's like she's falling for someone that is "totally out of your world" As Katy may say, "Boy, you're an alien. Your touch so foreign  It's supernatural. Extraterrestrial." It could also mean a different thing. Like, maybe, a forbidden love. Since it's forbidden she says "Kiss me ki-ki-kiss me infect me with your love and fill me with your poison. Take me ta-ta-take me I wanna be a victim ready for abduction." Or if you want to wrap it all together, it could mean all of this.. Someone that is out of your world in a forbidden love. Anyways, those are my views on that song. If you don't completely understand the song, I suggest taking a closer look at the talks about dedication to someone you love.

Shout-Out of the Day: 
Isaiah: Truth is, I'm not completely sure if you like my all. It's probably too much drama for you. But as you said like...last week I believe, I know that you at least CARE about me, and what I'm feeling. Right now I feel like everything I do is wrong, and it's pretty hard to explain. First, it's the Mandi situation, then it's the Shine situation, and now it's the Sienna situation. I don't know what the heck I'm doing, or what I need to do to change it, or whether these people are just being total jerks. Anyways yeah...if you ever want to talk about this just text me with "What's wrong?" so that I know that you've read this blog post. Thanks! 

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