Okay! So Sienna decided to spend the night at my house. Since of course, we were doing a movie night with Chelsea the next day anyways! The previous day, I had told Adam my little "foreshadowing" prediction. Adam had sighed when Sienna left(this is during Equestria Girls, June 22), and looked down at his feet, and I looked at him and said "Don't worry! You'll see her again in 3 days!" The next day, Dawson ends up getting grounded, and he called me the day after that, saying that he got his phone, iPod, and computer privileges taken away. About the 2 day mark, (for not talking to Dawson) I realized what I had said to Adam about the whole "3 day" situation. Because I had realized that day that my blog had been foreshadowing events in my life in the month of June! I thought to myself, Oh my gosh! Dawson's gonna call on the THIRD day!! This is perfect!
Counting down to 12:12 pm, I realized, it's not going to be exact. When Sienna and I least expected it, Dawson CALLED me. Jumping up and down in excitement, I picked up the phone and was like: I KNEW IT I KNEW IT! MY PREDICTION WAS TOTALLY RIGHT! Dawson laughed and was like what? I had to explain some stuff to him. Of course I won't bother telling you guys what I have been doing for the past three days, because you obviously already know the answer! Hint hint..Go to previous blog posts. Dawson told me that all he had been doing for the past three days was that he was drawing ponies and doing chores that his mom asked him to do. He said he didn't mention anything about electronics or things that he couldn't get his hands on. His mother said to him "At this rate, you'll be un-grounded by next week!" Since Dawson's ten minutes on the phone were up, he had to get off the phone. We said goodbye and said that we loved each other. Right at that moment, I hung up and realized just how happy I really was to have talked to him again. It was one of the most amazing feelings in the world, even though these past few days I find myself happier than I've been in quite a long time(besides Equestria Girls, of course). Just like I said in a different post, yeah... Dawson and I did kind of need a break. This was that break! I feel so much more...refreshed. I don't know why, but Drawkah can get me seriously stressed, especially after all the drama in Drawkah that's been happening lately. I feel...epic again. It's almost like I'm Lil Miss Epic even more!
Going along with my day, Chelsea came over and we started to party even harder with little moments with the relationship that we hope to happen: Adna(Adam and Sienna). Adna is so adorable. The Scootalooser(Chelsea) and I are cofounders of Adna. They are so perfect for each other! The more I see them around each other, the more chemistry that they have. It's completely obvious that both Sienna and Adam like-like each other, and by like-like, I mean love. The way they act around each other, and the way they are with each other gives you the sense that they already are a couple! I like Adna almost more than I like OctaScratch(Vinyl Scratch and Octavia from MLP FiM). All they really need in their relationship right now, is a little push. I'm pretty sure that Chelsea and I have provided that. I just wanted to take this time to say GOOD LUCK, ADNA! *wink wink, nod nod*
Chelsea and I are so epic! We had the greatest time hanging out with Andrew outside, roasting marshmallows. Andrew and I kept having marshmallow wars, and he'd always win by making my marshmallow fall into the embers and coals of death. It kind of sucked because I only got to eat maybe 10 marshmallows out of 15, or 20. Please note that these marshmallows were relatively small. We had fun just laughing over the little things such as certain combinations of "Cards Against Humanity" cards, such as White People + Black People = Panda Sex. Oh the joys of life and somewhat-dirty card games.
"Lil" Shout-Out of the Day:
Adna: See 2nd to last paragraph. =)
"Epic" Song of the Day: Can't Stop by Maroon 5
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